UX Audit - GeoIQ

Harsh Kothari

UX Designer
Product Designer
Adobe Suite

🚀 My Process

I will follow this iterative process for auditing a product:

  1. Evaluating the UX and UI
    1. Understanding the Product
    2. Understanding the user from a fictional persona POV
    3. Understanding the common use journey
    4. Heuristic Evaluation
    5. Secondary Analysis
    6. Accessibility evaluation (A, AA, AAA check)
  2. Redesign
    1. Creating a better user flow and information architecture if needed
    2. Improving and redesigning the designs based on point a.

🛠️ UX and UI Evaluation

🟢 Green - It is good, keeping it as is.

🟡 Yellow - Small changes required.

🔴 Red - Removing element or changing fully.

🔵 blue - Adding new elements

🪜 Some Layout Fixtures

🎨 Redesign - Along with Secondary Analaysis

The new design incorporates all the changes and recommendation I suggested above in the evaluation, used and cleaned up the components of the existing website.

At the end of the redesign I have achieved:

  • Matched AA-AAA contrast standard for all text on the page.
  • Redesigned the Hero section to be cleaner.
  • Enhanced sub-category/attribute section design in the Detail page
  • Improved table design in Detail page
  • Assumption: Increase credibility by including value propositions
  • Enhanced UX by improve user control(eg: recommendation tags in hero section)
  • Drew attention to the category side bar for easy navigation and also enhanced the designs
  • Improved sub-category card designs in the Major Category page
  • Improved responsiveness across different pages
  • Improve Typography styles(Font color, font weight and line height) to ultimately improve information hierarchy

  1. Home Page

Want to checkout the redesigns for other pages: Click here

Timeline & Details 📅

Auditing the website for GeoIQ took me 5 days

UX Audit timeline de

  • Landing page (one page): 1 week
  • Multi page website (3+ pages): 2 weeks and more, depending on the amount of pages

Conclusion 💥

I was successful in improving the designs for core GeoIQ website pages as seen from the Interaction heat maps.

If your product needs auditing and redesigning, you know whom to contact: Click here

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