HR Analysis For Attrition



Data Visualizer

Data Analyst

Google Drive

Microsoft Power BI

Organization wants to improve employee performance and improve employee retention and reduce attrition by creation a HR Analytics dashboard.
Data was imported from a CSV file which was processed for Data Cleaning and we have Removed unwanted columns AND Removed duplicate values.
Steps in project:
1.       Requirement gathering / business requirements
2.       Data walkthrough
3.       Data connection
4.       Data cleaning / quality check
5.       Data modeling
6.       Data processing
7.       DAX calculations
8.       Dashboard lay outing
9.       Charts development and formatting
10.   Dashboard / report development
11.   Insights generation
KPI’s Requirements:
1.       Count of Employee:
2.       Attrition: Attrition field have value as Yes and No. after creating attrition count from conditional column formatting the value gets converted into 1 and 0.
3.       Attrition Rate: create measure
Attrition Rate= sum(attrition count)/ sum(employee count)
4.       Average age:
5.       Average of monthly income (salary)
6.       Average Year: Years at company
1.       Attrition By Education: Sum of attrition count by education field
Chart type: donut chart
2.       Attrition By Age: Create age group from conditional column formatting as 18-25, 26-35, 36-45, 46-55, 55+
Chart type: Stacked column chart
3.       Attrition By Salary Slab: Salary slab by sum of attrition count
Chart type: Stacked Bar chart
4.       Attrition By Years at Company: Years at company by sum of attrition count:
Chart type: Area chart
5.       Attrition By Job Role: Job role by sum of attrition count:
Chart type: Stacked column chart
6.       Attrition By Gender: Gender by sum of attrition count:
Chart type: Tree map
Matrix table
1.        Table created from Job role ,attrition count and job satisfaction
HR Analysis For Attrition
HR Analysis For Attrition
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Posted Dec 20, 2024

Client wants Analysis for Attrition Data to improve key employee retention and making attrition Dashboard Available for Management decisions.






Data Visualizer

Data Analyst

Google Drive

Microsoft Power BI

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