LuminaUI - Design System

Aarón González

Product Manager
UX Designer
Product Designer


LuminaUI Cover
LuminaUI Cover
💫 Created an Open to Community Design System designers can use to create modern and fresh UI's quickly 💫

Some Components


Modals from LuminaUI
Modals from LuminaUI
Created different modals considering the content they might have. Considered simple modals and also more complex ones like modals with videos, steps and forms.


Selectors from LuminaUI
Selectors from LuminaUI
Selectors are:
Checkboxes (Determinated and Indeterminated)
Radio buttons
Considered determinated and indeterminated states for scenarios where user might need nested lists.


Tooltips from LuminaUI
Tooltips from LuminaUI
Tooltips have a different styling that traditional ones. Instead of using an arrow pointing to the component they come from, they have a floating bubble to point the component.
💫 Need help with your Design System? Here I am ready to help 🤘
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