Dancing rain capital

Jade Pearce-Young

Graphic Designer
Logo Designer
Logo, linked in banner and business card for investment company
Dancing rain capital is a green investment company that had a very clear idea on what they wanted for a logo.
We trialled mayn’t of their ideas, combining different elements and symbols until we settled on a more minimal look without the symbols.
One of the original concepts
One of the original concepts
Once we settled on the shape of the logo we refine details to bring the design to life by making two of the droplets green was to represent leaves and the company’s connection to being eco friendly. The world as the head is to show that they care about the word and the impact we have on it. By adding these small details I was able to incorporate all the things the larger symbols represented without making the logo look cluttered or messy.
The final design
The final design
LinkedIn banner
LinkedIn banner
Business card concept 1
Business card concept 1
We trialled many different business card designs. The first few concepts had too much colour and weren’t a good fit for the companies professional look. So we then worked on a few more minimal designs, playing with small accents of their brand colours.
Business card concept 2
Business card concept 2
Again, this was too much colour for the company so we revised and tried again
Business card concept 3
Business card concept 3
This final design was a much better fit for the company and we even made sure to have a plain version so that the company could use this as needed.


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