Comprehensive Sales Analysis and Data with Power BI

Reema S


Data Entry Specialist

Business Analyst

Data Analyst

Microsoft Office 365

Microsoft Power BI


Project 1: Weekly Sales Clearance Report

The Report depicts weekly PepsiCo sales and target clearance vendor-wise for Q3 and Q4, 2023.

Project 2: Variance Analysis

The Report depicts the Actual v/s Forecasted Sales variance for PepsiCo.

Project 3: Dispute Claim

The Report depicts the dispute categories, region-wise disputes, dispute count by product and the amount claimed by vendors from PepsiCo.

Project 3: KPI Dashboard

The Report depicts the KPI summary for the nodes affecting the KPIs, throughput and daily traffic for Rogers Canada.
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Posted Oct 22, 2024

I will conduct in-depth sales analysis with Power BI resulting up to 15% increase in quarterly revenue by identifying key sales trends and customer preferences.






Data Entry Specialist

Business Analyst

Data Analyst

Microsoft Office 365

Microsoft Power BI


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