Case Study (DW) : Researching, Interview and Testing

Josias Rufus

UX Copywriter
UX Researcher
UX Designer

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Context — The Digital Wallet project began when I was given a problem to be solved as a Product Design (UX) Project, which is 'uncertainty'. This uncertainty arises from users who want to use banking facilities that are easy but are unsure about the facilities and the seemingly complex processes, with many stages to complete even for small transactions. It's not just 'uncertainty' that users feel; 'complexity' is also experienced by some users who perceive uncertainty about feature limitations, complexity, and the lack of efficient processes in Online Banking.
Problem — After delving into the banking process through interviews with 4 individuals aged 15-30 living in Indonesia, whose scope involves frequent or occasional use of online banking or international wallets, it turns out that besides 'uncertainty,' there are other recurring issues during the goal-setting and transaction type determination process. These include limitations and inflexibility in managing expenses and income, inappropriate placement of menus and options, and the lack of services to facilitate instant transactions.
Challenge — Based on the insights gained, the challenge identified is to find a way for individuals to use Online Banking features easily and efficiently.
Solution — The insights and challenges obtained earlier provided a clearer understanding of how to address these problems. Therefore, the chosen and executed solution involved creating an application that simplifies and clarifies the user's experience in using Online Banking. This solution was selected because, with this single solution (without specific features), it effectively resolves the problem with high value and frequency criteria.
Product — The functionality of this application is similar to other typical banking applications that also address similar issues, such as Wise, Paypal, and Skrill. Thus, these three companies served as the main guiding references during the execution of CoPlace.
Project View after Testing & Adjustment.
Process #1
Process #1
Process #2
Process #2
Process #3
Process #3

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