ElionMED Software & Website

Karina Bershteyn

UX Researcher
UX Designer
Product Designer
Click the link to view the marketing website for ElionMED.


ElionMED is a web application designed to help healthcare practitioners and consumers make informed decisions about medical cannabis.
I designed the website using Wix drag-and-drop website builder
I designed the web app prototype mockups using Figma
I used UX writing skills to write all copy found on the website, in the software, and on all marketing materials.

Software Mockups

Additional Marketing Materials

For our users in long-term care facilities, I created an information flyer for them to include in their admissions brochures and to distribute to their residents and families. I designed the flyer and wrote all copy.

UX Research

Target customers: Patients & Doctors
Conducted several rounds of user interviews with both target customer groups, prior to designing mockups
Determined pain points, needs, and areas for opportunity
Created 3 user personas, experience maps, and product journey map
See user persona example below:
Once design prototype was created, I conducted 1-on-1 user testing sessions with target customers to receive feedback on usability and value. I took the commonalities across all user testing sessions to inform which changes needed to be made. Mockup tweaks were then implemented accordingly.
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