Deneen Alexandra

Brand Designer
Brand Strategist
Logo Designer
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe InDesign
Adobe Photoshop
The evolution of the Sunshine Boys brand led to the establishment of a sister service, recognition through a television feature, and ultimately a successful sale. 
The client's initial vision set the foundation for success, and effective branding played a vital role in realizing that vision and elevating the brand's value. (expanded study below).
(I happen to be walking my dogs Downtown when I came upon this shot. 
It was a couple years after we completed the brand. That's always fun)
TRUCK WRAP (I happen to be walking my dogs Downtown when I came upon this shot. It was a couple years after we completed the brand. That's always fun)


Sunshine Boys was one of the first (if not the actual first) to bring sustainable practices to the moving industry with a strong focus on ethical pricing and customer service. He wanted the service to reflect a simpler time. 
The owner came to me with an established business in its early stages, but no brand. How does this even happen? 
It's not uncommon for businesses to start without a strong brand in place. Many entrepreneurs prioritize the core operations and services of their business and may overlook the importance of branding in the initial stages.
This can cause a lot of hindrances when it comes to shaping perceptions, building trust, and establishing a unique identity in the market. 
He knew he needed a strong brand to differentiate him from his competitors, attract customers, and create a sense of loyalty among its target audience.
He had hired a few designers before, but didn't feel they quite captured his vision. 


With that, I started by pulling it all the way back to his early vision and reason for it all.
Through much collaboration time to gain a thorough understanding of the values, mission, and target market, we landed on a retro-service look and feel. Like something you might see in a 1950s era diner or gas station.
Before that though, he was insistent on having a flag in the logo. I was worried a flag might limit the messaging and leave too much open to interpretation, which could end up skewing the perception of his mission. 
It took a while to convince him and to nurture a new vision. I was grateful he trusted me and was open to seeing the process through. That kind of trust and collaboration brings out the best work and makes the process really exciting. 
At one point I said to him "I feel like if I were to hire you, my moving day would feel like a dance scene in West Side Story". He laughed and said, yes! Exactly! 
And with that, I came up with the final look and we evolved it through all the identity, environmental, and marketing pieces. 


Seeing it all come together inspired a sister service; Sunshine Girls - Packing, Unpacking & Organizing. 
Soon after that, Sunshine Boys were invited to be featured on the Sundance Channel show, The Lazy Environmentalist, which did not disappoint when it came to featuring the brand. There were plenty of beauty shots of the trucks, uniforms, and other branding elements throughout. This made my brand nerdy heart all-a-flutter. 
And a few years after that, the company sold for a "pretty penny", as the client relayed to me. He also said it was made possible by the branding and all we put into it. 
Sure. But it started with his vision, and that's where the gold is. Spinning the gold is where the right branding comes in. 
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