Deneen Alexandra

Brand Designer
Graphic Designer
Brand Strategist
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe InDesign
Adobe Photoshop
THE SISTER GIANT CONFERENCE was a three day event conceived and hosted by Marianne Williamson. It was held at the Saban Theater in Los Angeles, CA, . 
CASE STUDY: Marianne is a renowned spiritual author, lecturer, and teacher with a formidable passion for politics. The purpose of this event was to incorporate spirituality into politics, and to support women in politics.
MY ROLE: Consulted and collaborated with Marianne to conceptualize the look and feel the the event. We wanted it to have a look and feel that broke the traditional mold. 
DESIGNED the logos, brand identity and supporting elements, posters, postcards and website (front-end design). 
ART DIRECTED illustrators, web developers, and event planners
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