Sony PSP Mockup Made On Figma

Bashar Nebeaa


3D Designer

Product Designer

UI Designer


Project Overview

💭 one weekend I thought to myself, what does a full-time designer do in his time-off....
I Screamed from the top of my lungs, scaring my wife away and damaging the trust that i built with her for over a decade.
🥳 I GOT IT!!
✨✨More Design✨✨


I went back down the memory lane and remembered my beloved PSP and decided to recreate it in Figma because apparently i don't have any respect to my sanity


the final design which I'm deeply in love with and I'm not accepting any "constructive feedback" on
Completed Design
Completed Design

🫥 Behance Project

Just to increase my Behance stats

Thank you!

If you're still here, YOU ROCK! Please take a moment and check my design agency as well!
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Posted Jul 29, 2023

A 3D-ish Design of my old forgotten but loved PSP, Completely created in Figma(to show-off) I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed my PSP once






3D Designer

Product Designer

UI Designer


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