BUILD Finance Landing Page

Zade Kaylani

Content Writer
Product Designer
→ a decentralized venture builder focused on DeFi solutions on Ethereum 💹
→ ui/ux design, prototyping 👨🏽‍💻
→ dec 2020 - jan 2021 🗓 🔗 🌎 ← the redesign is live at their site!


I worked on the decentralized team at BUILD Finance as the sole designer working to redesign their website. I also worked with a developer who implemented my designs and interaction animations after I completed project.

about BUILD Finance 💲

BUILD Finance is a venture builder owned and controlled by the community. It produces, funds, and manages decentralized solutions on Ethereum. BUILD incentivizes the development of new DeFi projects by rewarding the builders with its own crypto token. Holders of this token choose how funds should be allocated to the various projects under BUILD.


The old site for BUILD Finance was a plain text, html-only site that housed a simple FAQ. This was informative, but not practical nor sustainable. New users weren’t being prompted to take action; there wasn’t a clear directive to participate in BUILD.


The main objective of the new site which was to inform and direct. To achieve this, I communicated the company's functions and prioritized the main call to actions. The site now tells a story of what BUILD is about, how you can get involved, and why it deserves attention.
The site is live at and my Figma prototype can be found here !!

what i learned

The balance between keeping a user interested in the content of the site while also drawing their attention to the important outward bound calls to action was tricky to achieve. From varying the button designs to rearranging the order of informational cards, I was able to land on a final design that was informative yet intentional.
Here is the link to the live site and my Figma prototype!


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