vyzor | Product + brand design

Sab Majeed

Brand Designer
User Researcher
UX Designer
Adobe Illustrator


vyzor tracks routine tasks for businesses and helps to improve and automate them.

It is a fully-featured business operations monitoring SaaS product with real-time workforce analytics. It helps businesses track day-to-day progress, recognize successful patterns and improve performance by identifying actionable insights.

Challenge 🔴

The key challenge was to reduce and simplify the amount of interactions needed to track tasks and people.

This approach informed the user experience design from start to end, ensuring each interaction was less of a headache for fast-paced businesses like restaurants, pharmacies, etc.

My Role 🟢

  • Stakeholders interview, scope definition, and business research
  • Logo design, visual identity system
  • User interviews, user personas
  • Wireframing, UI / UX, clickable prototypes
  • Usability testing and QA

Brand design phase

The client wanted the product logo to be sharp, vibrant, and easily distinguishable from the sea of SaaS sameness. Specifically, it needed to represent the core function of the product and be versatile for use across multiple mediums and screen sizes.


After 4 revisions, we landed upon the following concept.



The chosen logo was indeed vibrant, representative of the product's essence, and also stood out just enough to have an impact.

Palette & typography

Product design phase

After gathering requirements from key stakeholders, the UX research and design phase began in close collaboration with the development team.

User Personas

Personas from interviews


Dashboard, analytics, and form designer wireframes

User Interface Design

Login / Signup

Good products help people do things. Great products change how they do things for the better.

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