Sailorwork | App UI

Jean Bite


UI Designer



Sailorwork is an app designed to connect a diverse community of individuals who share a connection at the sea. The primary goal of the app was to create a unified platform that hosts a network of sea-related professionals, boat owners, adventurers, and service providers.


The logo is a unique combination of a bird and a boat, blending two symbols to create a design that embodies freedom and adventure. The bird, with its outstretched wings, represents freedom and limitless possibilities and the boat speaks to brands clientele - sea workers, sailors, adventurers and boat owners. Together they create a harmonious blend of air and sea, freedom and exploration.

Typography & Colors

I've used monochrome palette - with Azure Blue (a.k.a. Sailor Blue) being primary color and Ocean Blue + Deep blue to support the primary color.

Splash screen & Onboarding

Splash screen includes a quick questionare with three choices - adventurer, worker or boat owner. Depending on which you select you're guided to a different GUI.

Search Rentals

Searcing rentals is simple and straightforward.

Listing a Vehicle

Boat owners can list their vehicles and easily get payed through the app.

Browse Adventures

App also hosts numerous sea adventures.

Find Workers

Finding workers is easy. Users can navigate through different types of workers and choose workers based on their experience and rating.

Landing Page

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Posted Nov 6, 2024

With an intuitive interface and a design centered around ease of use, Sailorwork enables users to navigate the app effortlessly and connect with right people.






UI Designer


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