School for future mothers (France)

Dmytro Popov

Digital Marketer
Social Media Marketer
Facebook Ads
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Project goal
School for future mothers (France)
It's a platform with online lessons on various topics for future parents.
Registrations on the website for email marketing, retargeting, and LAL audience.
What's done:
User acquisition campaign where we offered to pass a quiz "Are you ready for childbirth?"
Total spent: €982,64
Reach: 153 696
Website leads: 3 338 
Per website contact: €0,29
Clicks: 16 084 
CPC: €0,06
CTR: 3,45%
2. Get subscriptions on the website. Clients can choose one monthly subscription and then prolong it. 1 month costs 27 €.
What's done:
User aquisition and retargeting  campaigns, where we offered to get subscriptions
Total spent: €2 600,20 
Reach: 129 344 
Website contacts: 247 
Per website contact: €10,53
Clicks: 6 078 
CPC: €0,43
CTR: 1,68%
Earns for 1-month subscriptions: €6 669  
On average, customers pay a subscription for 12 months
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