Belmont Dental UX Research

Ava DeCroix

👩🏽‍⚕️ WHO: Belmont Dental, one of the large dental operatory equipment manufacturers.
WHEN: January 2022
💡 WHAT: A comprehensive analysis and presentation of Belmont Dental's biggest competitors and their web marketing presence
❓THE PROMPT: What can Belmont do to better help dealers sell their products?
⭐️THE SOLUTION:In analyzing the strategies, site layout, and language used by Belmont's competitors to underscore their unique benefits and emphasize their company culture, we were able to produce a very thorough and detailed presentation of which strategies were effective and why. Based on this information, we were able to present Belmont with a variety of potential strategies and redesign ideas to improve their website and place focus on their unique strengths.
Example of product site flow presentation pages
Example of product site flow presentation pages


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