Favourite Notification | Brand Identity + App & Social Media

Paula | Land it

Brand Designer
Brand Strategist
Social Media Marketer
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe XD

Don't miss out with Favourite Notification 💁🏻‍♀️

Rihanna Jones has had enough of missing out on her fav beauty/self-care supplies. She has decided to come up with a way to be notified when a new product drops or when an old fav restocks! This is a fantastic way to stay on top of your beauty routine without the stress of missing out!

Concept, Strategy & Design by Land it

We wanted to embody the passion and joy this app will bring to the public with a fun branding identity that will become part of their day-to-day lives. We decided to go with a main icon, that's also integrated into the secondary logo, that truly reflects the art of being notified about your favorite brands.

We used our Social Media Profile Mockups using Canva to display the brand and how it would look in real life. You can buy yours below 👇


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