Let's cut through the noise about "showing up online" and "speaking your customers' language." Here's the raw truth: Nobody's losing sleep over your brand story – they're losing sleep over their own problems. While you're busy crafting the perfect "about us" story, your customers are sitting there thinking, "But what about MY story?" This is how I approached my client's strategy and tone
@medusa_pelvic I put myself in her client's shoes. Think about this: You've all been there. Waiting months for that doctor's appointment, only to be rushed through like you're on a medical conveyor belt. Five minutes of half-hearted listening, followed by the greatest hits of dismissive responses: "It's all in your head" or "That's just normal for your age." That one personally stings for me. (Quick reality check: That thing where you leak when you laugh or exercise? Not actually normal, despite what Dr. Dismissive might say. And yes, it's totally fixable.) Here's the kicker: Her clients are living this story right now. They're sitting in waiting rooms, physical or metaphorical, desperate to be heard. That's why my approach was dead simple – healing starts by being heard. Because in a world of endless chatter, being truly heard isn't just nice – it's revolutionary.