Environmental Health Stance for Hospitality Group

Lauren Costello


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As our world progresses toward higher eco-consciousness, Jay Edward Group wants to be sure to not be far behind. We want to make the world a safer, greener place, and one way to do this is to focus on decreasing carbon emissions.

What Is CO2 and Why Do We Need to Decrease Its Emission?

Human dependency on fossil fuels such as petrol, coal, and gas have contributed to an increase of carbon dioxide (CO2) being released into our atmosphere. This CO2 then becomes trapped and causes heat absorption and an overall rise in temperature. Scientific consensus states that if we want to avoid a 2°C (35.6°F) global temperature rise, we must reduce carbon emissions by 80% by 2050. This may sound like quite the feat, but we are confident that if businesses and customers work together to make environmentally conscious choices, a safer world can be achieved.

How Do We Decrease Emissions?

New technology and innovative compensation programs award us the opportunity to practice more efficient production methods. Investing in carbon-offset projects are a particularly effectual way of reducing carbon footprint. By purchasing “credits” from verified third parties, we are able to fund renewable energy, forestry, and resource conservation projects. Essentially, by investing in these eco-friendly projects, we in turn compensate for our company’s carbon emission. Jay Edward Group carefully chose five unique projects offered by Evergreen Carbon to invest in:
Emissions Reduction in U.S. Transportation (United States)
With over 1 million long-haul trucks stopping for extended periods at truck stops during layover periods (mandated by the U.S. government), trucks are usually left idling to power on board devices (air conditioning, microwaves, etc.). This project provides idle reduction solutions at these stops, replacing diesel consumption with less emission intensive electricity.
Wastewater Project, Texas (United States)
This project promotes the sustainable development of the wind industry by bringing investors together, with small to medium power requirements, to invest in wind technologies. Over 800 wind turbine generators will create an extra 800 gigawatt hours of renewable energy. Additionally, they will present employment and business opportunities due to the population increase.
Mato Grosso REDD+ Project (Brazil)
Due to the carbon financing of the Mato Grosso REDD+ project, the land  has moved from allotment (clear cuts) to Sustainable Forest Management.  This VCS REDD project sequesters more than 9 million tons of CO2 over 10 years that would  otherwise be released into the atmosphere. This project provides vocational training, hires local labor, provides fire brigade training that protects the project area, and supports the public schools within the region.
Sustainable Deployment of the Lifestraw® Water Filtration in Western Province (Kenya)
This project is deployed in 19 districts of Western Kenya Province. The Lifestraw® Family Water Filters treat contaminated water, making it fit for drinking. This project replaces the current water treatment practice in Western Kenya, boiling water using non-renewable biomass. The project will reduce more than two million metric tons of GHG emissions per year over a 10 year crediting period. This project actively preserves the local forests and watershed. The water filters are distributed within a larger Integrated Prevention Campaign of other lifesaving technologies. The offset credits for this project is integral to the distribution of other social services, which include a long-lasting insecticide-treated bed netting, condoms, educational materials, and a voluntary HIV counseling and testing campaign.
Qinghai Delingha Xiehe Phase II and Phase III Bundled Solar PV Power Generation Project (China)
This project will generate 31.7 Gigawatts of power to the Northwest China Power Grid (NWGP). Actively replacing coal-fired power generation, 27,000 metric tonnes of GHGs will be avoided annually during the crediting period. The project is located in the People’s Republic of China, west of Delingha City, in the Qinghai Province, sitting on the high Tibetan plateau. Solar-PV-project1Solar PV panels are deployed as an array, generating power when the sun shines – which is often in this part of the world. With the threat of coal terminals being built in Washington and Oregon in order to ship Wyoming Powder River Basin coal to China, investment of these Gold Standard offsets will help mitigate the need for US coal to be shipped across the ocean… only to be combusted to satisfy China’s increasing need for energy. Qinghai1The Gold Standard requirements include consultation with community stakeholders. The feedback was positive, as all community members, NGO, government and industry representatives who chose to engage with the public process concluded that the project will be good for the local environment and economy.

How You Can Help

While carbon-offset projects are a great way to reduce carbon footprint, Jay Edward Group wants to make sure clients have the option to be involved in making a difference. That’s why we have worked with our overseas production companies to come up with ways to produce more responsible furniture. Using sustainably sourced wood, converting to renewable energy wherever possible, and using recycled materials are some of our new approaches. By choosing to purchase furniture which has undergone our greener production methods, you are helping contribute to a cleaner world.
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Posted Jan 24, 2024

A hospitality group wanted to produce an article that described their dedication to environmental health, with specific projects and data included.






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