This project will generate 31.7 Gigawatts of power to the Northwest China Power Grid (NWGP). Actively replacing coal-fired power generation, 27,000 metric tonnes of GHGs will be avoided annually during the crediting period. The project is located in the People’s Republic of China, west of Delingha City, in the Qinghai Province, sitting on the high Tibetan plateau. Solar-PV-project1Solar PV panels are deployed as an array, generating power when the sun shines – which is often in this part of the world. With the threat of coal terminals being built in Washington and Oregon in order to ship Wyoming Powder River Basin coal to China, investment of these Gold Standard offsets will help mitigate the need for US coal to be shipped across the ocean… only to be combusted to satisfy China’s increasing need for energy. Qinghai1The Gold Standard requirements include consultation with community stakeholders. The feedback was positive, as all community members, NGO, government and industry representatives who chose to engage with the public process concluded that the project will be good for the local environment and economy.