Increased Reach And Engagement For Healthcare Organization

Aziz Khawaja


Social Media Manager

Social Media Marketer

Facebook Ads

Instagram Ads


This report will provide a detailed analysis of the results of the social
media campaign being run for Lifeline Healthcare. The timeline for this
report is selected to be a comparison between the analytics from 3
months ago till today to the page’s progress before that i.e. June to end of
The progress will be analyzed based on the following factors.
1. User Metrics
2. Engagement Metrics
3. Page Metrics.

User Metrics

User metrics refers to user activity on the page are measured by the
performance in the following KPI’s.
● Newly engaged users
● Engaged users
● Active users
● Daily users
The start of the campaign saw to it a marked increase in these numbers
with up to 1000%+ increase in newly engaged users while the number of
engaged users also saw a boost which transitioned to 2.4k received
customer queries as shown in the figure below.
Furthermore, the number of active users per day for the week before the
campaign is 181 and the monthly users and weekly users are at 3.7k and
1.1k respectively these statistics showcase the interest that is being
captured by the content and activities of the page. which accounts for a
significant change in the traffic being driven to the page. Which is
estimated to increase manifolds as the campaign progresses.
Figures below show the progress from these metrics.

Engagement Metrics

Engagement metrics are highlighted by the activity and reaction of
users to the content and are measured by the performance in the
following KPI’s.
● Post reactions
● Post shares
● Post comments
● Messages sent
For this part, we will only be analyzing the progress of the current
campaign timeframe. So far, the campaign has generated 6.8k post
reactions, 312 post shares, 437 post comments and 3.1k messages from our
target audience and these statistics will be radically improved as the
campaign progresses. It is important to note that this campaign was
initially targeted to just get messages that is why that metric is the most
highlighted one. Furthermore, the campaign for the last three month has
been viewed by 175k people and our ads were clicked by 26.8 k people, and
the links shared by us were clicked 1.4 k times.

Page Metrics.

This metric’s data is only available for the past 28 days but the
effects of the campaign which is made for engagement is quite
evident from the data, furthermore, the page’s audience is also
seeing a significant rise as well with as much as 2000 page likes this
month. The details are provided in the table below
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Posted Jan 17, 2024

The brand wanted an increase in engaged and new users on their social media presence based on the target audience description they required.






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