Aliexpress & Alibaba Products Research

Trang Anh Nguyen

Data Entry Specialist
Virtual Assistant
Google Docs
Google Sheets

I'm specializes in comprehensive product research on AliExpress and Alibaba, two of the largest online marketplaces in the world. With years of experience and expertise in e-commerce and product sourcing, we'll help you discover top-selling products, reliable suppliers, and lucrative opportunities to grow your business.

Our Services Include:

  1. Product Identification: We'll identify trending and high-demand products across various categories based on your preferences and target market.
  2. Supplier Vetting: We'll carefully vet suppliers on AliExpress and Alibaba to ensure they meet your quality standards, reliability, and pricing requirements.
  3. Competitive Analysis: We'll conduct in-depth competitive analysis to evaluate pricing, product features, and market positioning to help you gain a competitive edge.
  4. Customized Recommendations: Based on our research findings, we'll provide customized recommendations tailored to your business goals and budget.
  5. Negotiation Support: If needed, we can assist with supplier negotiations to secure the best possible terms and pricing for your orders.

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