Adpet - Empowering Efficiency in Field Operations

Nasfath Rahman

Interaction Designer
UX Researcher
UI Designer
Adobe XD

Timeline - 8 weeks My role - UX Research, UX Design, Information Architecture, Prototyping, Usability testing


The Adept project is a comprehensive endeavor undertaken for Kamstrup, The Adept Water Meter Channel Management System represents a groundbreaking leap forward in the realm of water meter management. This innovative project is designed to empower field workers and supervisors alike, revolutionizing the way we handle meter readings, maintenance, and data synchronization

How might we streamline the process of recording and managing water meter readings and maintenance tasks for field workers, while ensuring real-time data synchronization and improving overall efficiency?

Discovered Problems

During the user experience (UX) research for the Adept Water Meter Channel Management System, several problems and pain points were discovered.

Complex User Interface: During my UX research, it became evident that field workers frequently expressed confusion and inefficiency when navigating the mobile application. The abundance of features and options led to a less-than-optimal user experience.

Data Entry Challenges: Through user interviews and usability testing, I observed that users struggled with accurate meter reading entry. The lack of clear validation cues and guidance within the interface contributed to potential data errors.

Training Gaps: My research revealed that some field workers lacked proper training on how to use the mobile application effectively. This knowledge gap resulted in suboptimal usage and user frustration.

Device Compatibility Issues: In my investigation, participants reported compatibility issues with certain older smartphone models, causing performance and functionality problems on those devices.

Real-Time Data Sync Reliability: Users appreciated the real-time data synchronization feature but highlighted occasional synchronization delays or failures. These instances negatively impacted data accuracy and reliability.

Web Version Complexity: My UX research indicated that the web version of the system, while feature-rich, was perceived as complex, especially for first-time users. Participants faced challenges navigating through the modules and understanding their functions.

Task Prioritization Difficulty: User feedback indicated a need for clearer task prioritization cues within the application. Participants desired a more intuitive way to discern urgent or high-priority tasks.

Meter Performance Analysis Interpretation: During usability testing sessions, users encountered difficulties in interpreting the data presented in the Meter Performance Analysis Dashboard. Some visualizations were not intuitive, hindering their ability to make informed decisions.

Training and Documentation Needs: Participants expressed the need for more comprehensive training resources and documentation. They believed that better training materials would boost their confidence and efficiency in using the Adept system.

Limited Offline Functionality: My UX research brought to light the challenge of limited offline functionality. Field workers often operate in areas with poor or no network connectivity, which impacted their ability to use Adept effectively.

These findings, obtained through my rigorous UX research methodology, provide valuable insights into the usability and functionality challenges faced by users with the current system. Addressing these issues will be essential to improving the overall user experience and system effectiveness.


Simplified UI Design:

Enhanced Data Entry Features:

Comprehensive Training Solutions:

Device Compatibility Improvements:

Real-Time Data Synchronization Enhancements:

User-Friendly Web Version:

Task Prioritization Features:

Improved Data Visualization:

Accessible Training and Documentation:

Enhanced Offline Functionality:

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