Product Analysis - EDA

Gabriel Nazario

Data Modelling Analyst
Graphic Designer
Data Analyst
Microsoft Power BI

What is this project?

Entry project for 

Pomerol Partners'

 data challenge of January 2023. The month's challenge is to find the most nutritious item on the Starbucks menu.

Determining what constitutes a healthy diet is a topic that can be subject to much debate and varying opinions. With this in mind, I have taken on the role of stakeholder in this situation and analyzed a dataset with my own dietary needs in focus. Specifically, my current diet places greater emphasis on proteins over carbs. Additionally, since the dataset does not differentiate between different sources of fat, such as those found in avocados or milk, I have reduced the importance of fat in my analysis. Through this approach, I aim to gain a better understanding of how my current diet aligns with recommended nutritional guidelines and identify potential areas for improvement.

What did I do in this project?

Define Business Case

Data Wrangling

Data Visualization


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