Data Analyst | Business Intelligence Analyst

Prediction Analysis - Energy Consumption
Prediction Analysis - Energy Consumption

In this notebook I use linear regression to predict energy consumption based on various features like temperature, humidity, and wind speed.

Data Modelling Analyst
Data Scientist
Data Analyst

A/B Test Analysis
A/B Test Analysis

Study on players churn using A/B testing with data of the game Cookie Cats from Tactile Games. The objective it to determine if moving the first gate from level

Data Modelling Analyst
Data Visualizer
Data Analyst
Microsoft Power BI

Product Analysis - EDA
Product Analysis - EDA

Entry project for Pomerol Partners' data challenge of January 2023. The month's challenge is to find the most nutritious item on the Starbucks menu.

Data Modelling Analyst
Graphic Designer
Data Analyst
Microsoft Power BI