Sectors where Femtech Startups have the potential to grow

Snowi Shankar


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Between the time period 2020–2026, the femtech market is expected to develop at a CAGR of about 13% in some of these sectors of Femtech startups.
Menstruation and its solutions Menstruation is the most painful time of the month for women around the world. There are simple, free applications that allow users to track their period cycle as well as the symptoms they experience during each cycle. Applications such as Clue, Glow, have made it easier for women to track their health.
Pregnancy and Postpartum In this modern-day development, women are able to keep a track of their health throughout the pregnancy. Pregnant women can use apps like Lucina, Bonzun, Pregnascan, and others to manage their lifestyles and take care of themselves.
Fertility and Contraception There are innovative and helpful startups that help in tracking, monitoring and even testing pregnancy. FemTech companies have long focused on issues like fertility, pregnancy, and birth control. Ava, Kindara, Miracare, and other well-known self-tracking application companies have experienced tremendous growth in recent years.
Menopause Menopause is a difficult period!
Depending on lifestyle and hereditary circumstances, women can experience up to 40 distinct symptoms. Kandy Therapeutics is working on a non-hormonal medication for the symptoms of menopause. Menopause as a target market that hasn’t been properly disrupted and that has the potential to be extremely profitable and impactful.
Breast-feeding The innovative invention of wearables that help women maintain their breast health and makes breastfeeding easier is growing everyday in femtech startups. Coroflo is a startup that specialises in breastfeeding. It has a nipple shield with a unique nursing sensor that shows how much milk the baby is drinking.
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Between the time period 2020–2026, the femtech market is expected to develop at a CAGR of about 13% in some of these sectors of Femtech startups.
Menstruation and its solutions Menstruation is the most painful time of the month for women around the world. There are simple, free applications that allow users to track their period cycle as well as the symptoms they experience during each cycle. Applications such as Clue, Glow, have made it easier for women to track their health.
Pregnancy and Postpartum In this modern-day development, women are able to keep a track of their health throughout the pregnancy. Pregnant women can use apps like Lucina, Bonzun, Pregnascan, and others to manage their lifestyles and take care of themselves.
Fertility and Contraception There are innovative and helpful startups that help in tracking, monitoring and even testing pregnancy. FemTech companies have long focused on issues like fertility, pregnancy, and birth control. Ava, Kindara, Miracare, and other well-known self-tracking application companies have experienced tremendous growth in recent years.
Menopause Menopause is a difficult period!
Depending on lifestyle and hereditary circumstances, women can experience up to 40 distinct symptoms. Kandy Therapeutics is working on a non-hormonal medication for the symptoms of menopause. Menopause as a target market that hasn’t been properly disrupted and that has the potential to be extremely profitable and impactful.
Breast-feeding The innovative invention of wearables that help women maintain their breast health and makes breastfeeding easier is growing everyday in femtech startups. Coroflo is a startup that specialises in breastfeeding. It has a nipple shield with a unique nursing sensor that shows how much milk the baby is drinking.
Menstruation seems like something very few people talk about, it’s high time to bring the awareness to the open. Not only is menstrual awareness necessary, but even hygiene also plays a significant role.Yes, many think talking about menstruation and menstrual products makes others uncomfortable. But it’s the 21st century, if the changes don’t take place now, then they will never take place. The taboos must be broken, and the stigma surrounding menstruation must come to an end.
What is menstruation? Menstruation is normal vaginal bleeding that occurs as part of the female reproductive cycle. Every month the women’s body prepares for a pregnancy, where the eggs wait for a fertilization process, if the fertilization process doesn’t take place then the uterus or womb sheds its lining. The menstrual blood is partly blood and partly tissue from inside the uterus, which sheds down from the body through the vagina.
What are the menstrual products? Menstrual product selection differs from menarche to postpartum, every woman has a different flow during her period, and the selection of products to use during the menstrual flow days is important.
Some menstrual products- 1.Tampon 2.Sanitary pad 3.Menstrual cup 4.Period underwear 5.Reusable cloth pad 6.Menstrual disks
Which period product to select? As there is a range of period products available in the market, everyone is confused about what to use, this decision making depends on a lot of factors. Product selection depends mainly on which product makes you feel comfortable during the flow days. There are several other factors to narrow down to select the perfect menstrual product depending on what kind of activities you are involved in, the cost of the product, the comfort of use of the product, the environmental impact of the menstrual product, etc.
Menstrual Awareness is requisite- Menstruation and menstrual hygiene awareness start from a young age, giving the right input to girls during the time of puberty change help them to stay aware of the facts on how they have to move ahead with their body changes and make choices accordingly. The menstrual cycle is always a unique phase in every women’s life and being aware of how to deal with it makes it easy to process the stage. Giving more menstrual and menstrual hygiene talks in schools would bring awareness to most girls before their menarche, which makes it easy to understand their menstrual cycle and their menstrual product selection. Know more from our website-
Women’s health and societal perceptions of menstruation have come a long way, but there is still a long way to go… Menstruation and it’s solutions has evolved and it has taken centuries for women to deserve a proper menstrual product. Products that are both safe and organic can be delivered right to our door. And a look back at historical products will make you appreciate their advancements. Let’s take a look at how menstrual products have evolved with time.
In ancient history, there is very little documentation about women’s periods, owing to the fact that most scribes were men who decided not to record menstruation. While we are aware of the bizarre superstitions surrounding menstruation, no one knows for certain what women used in ancient times when they got their period.
Ancient Egyptians used softened papyrus to produce tampons, whereas Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine, wrote that Ancient Greek women wrapped fragments of wood with lint to make tampons.
19th Century
The word ‘period’ came into use in the year 1822 as a term for menstruation. In the late 19th century, People started to realise it wasn’t sanitary for ladies to bleed through their garments. This is where the invention of menstrual products got their start. The Hoosier sanitary belt was the first.
Women could buy washable pads that were tied to a belt around their waist from the 1890s through the 1970s.
The first disposable pads were introduced to the market in 1888. Lister’s Towels were created by Johnson & Johnson and were known as Lister’s Towels. Women began utilising wood pulp bandages obtained in hospitals as disposable pads about the same period.
20th Century
French WWI nurses invented the contemporary pad in which they used additional cellulose, a combination of acrylic cotton used for bandages, to absorb up their menstrual blood.
Tampons are introduced in the market, however they lack an applicator and are rather leaky. Pads sales finally take off in the market and outsell tampons, owing to its “leak-free” solution. In 1922, the menstrual belt got its patent and remains a popular choice of women. Dr. Earle Haas invented the first tampon in 1929. The applicator, which allows women to insert tampons without touching their vaginal or menstrual blood, is Haas’ most important invention. Leona Chalmers invented the menstrual cup in 1930, a rubber cup that collects menstrual fluid and stays in the vaginal canal. In 1969, Stayfree was the first to put out a sanitary pad with an adhesive strip, so that it could stick to underwear without any fuss. In 1985, for the first time in history Courtney Cox, in an ad for Tampax, said the word “period” out loud in a commercial.
21st Century
In 2003 Lybrel, the first low-dose contraceptive pill that allows women to stop their menstrual cycle for an extended period of time was approved by the FDA. Despite the fact that a similar design existed in the 1930s, the menstrual cup became popular in the twenty-first century. The menstrual disc is a product developed by Flex in the year 2016, a company that sells novel menstrual technologies. Evolution through innovations has brought menstrual solutions towards convenience. Even though the situation has improved, the problem of sanitary waste has yet to be solved.
Is there a decoding system where men have to decode the women’s menstrual cycle? (or) is it just the time chapter in a man’s life, which makes the men get all the puzzles solved when it comes to menstruation in a woman? Well, every man grows up with a microscopic knowledge of menstruation and menstrual products, it may be from a biology class or a real-life visual experience when it comes to their mother or sister’s period cycle days, but not all men know the exact process about it, a brief on its functioning and theoretical knowledge doesn’t summarize on the whole process of how this monthly bleeding takes place in women and how the women deal with it.
How men reacted to menstruation at a young age to how they react as an adult- At an young age boys and girls had a different level of reticence towards menstruation and menstrual products, where they receded from the talk on menstruation, and now in their adulthood where some men know the theoretical process of it but don’t find it comfortable to talk. The men realize a lot more about a women’s body when they are in a physical relationship with their partner, from a practical view they realise a lot and are more comfortable exploring the menstrual section of a woman in a closed surrounding. But don’t you think men would have been more aware of these even if they were not in a physical relationship with a woman, by just speaking about the process out in the open or through menstrual awareness programs which involved young boys in school to prepare them to the actual co-living system of men and women.
If menstrual awareness programs involved boys at a young age- It seems like having a biology class all over again at that age, but awareness about it is the main life development skill for a better co-living of men and women. If the menstrual awareness involved the boys, the awareness of these menstrual cycles would have made them understand what the bloodstains are on their friend’s skirts and the awkwardness of stains would be limited during the school days. Yes, kids at a young age can’t relate to the changes which will come along in the future, but the awareness of these small topics will bring small changes to their menstrual adjustment to the co-living process of men and women, making it simple for the men to understand the women’s physical needs and mood swings.
India’s doctor population is 1:834 and which makes it difficult for people to seek general advice for day-to-day well-being. This leads to ignorance towards health and adds up to the overall disturbance in the menstrual health of a menstruator.
So what do we do about it?
Write down all our problems and wait for one appointment to fix all the problems in one clinic visit. That’s impossible and unfair at the same time.
Women consumers account for half of the world market and are dissatisfied with the existing level of women’s health care options and service providers. Introducing technology to the health sector can reduce hospital overburden and help women to know when they need to consult the doctor.
Technology such as social media platforms, and apps enable women to reach out for quick solutions related to menstruation and overall health due to discretion and confidentiality. Female technology or Femtech aims to give control back to women by enabling them various platforms to seek more intimate knowledge of their own bodies.
The ever-increasing growth of femtech companies is not only focusing on selling their product or service but also investing in making a community that educates and makes people aware of the importance of women’s health and self-care.
The generations who were only exposed to sanitary napkins as their period product, with the increasing technology and awareness, have started exploring different options which suit their bodily needs. The rise of femtech solutions shows a tectonic shift in the Indian consumer’s priorities and women’s increasing financial autonomy makes a stronghold towards better healthcare solutions.
Femtech solutions are giving the Genz and millennial generations more exposure than ever to various available health care screening solutions in the market. Pioneers like Geetha Manjunathher started researching and creating radiation-free, artificial intelligence (AI)-based breast cancer screening solutions. She is the founder and CEO of Bengaluru-based Niramai and now has more than 17 patents for cutting-edge technological advancements.
Healthcare startups like Hertility are setting a new bar for scientific rigor and education in female health by taking reproductive science out of the lab and into the hands of every woman in the world. This movement will be led by a new generation of women who support their bodies and their lifestyle decisions.
A big initiative is taken by a startup called Nayaami which aims to reach every women’s menstrual needs and questions regarding their menstrual health. Nayaami focuses towards generating educational content for their audience and break stigma around periods.
The femtech industry has emphasized the importance of women’s anatomy and has led to increasing research in this sector and is answering all the unheard problems piling up since the evolution of humankind.
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Posted Jun 25, 2023

Between the time period 2020–2026, the femtech market is expected to develop at a CAGR of about 13% in some of these sectors of Femtech startups. Menstruatio…






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