This project was built with:
Paving the way to establish brand trust and attract leads

Michael Ola


UX Designer

Webflow Developer

UI Designer



Project Background

My Travel Links is a professional Study Abroad Agency based in the UK, they provide students with personalized services, helping them navigate the world of international education.

Due to the trust deficit, prospective students and their families often hesitate to engage with online study abroad agencies.

Our initial assessment revealed that the pronounced deficit in trust is not limited to My Travel Links but rather endemic to the entire study abroad agency landscape and this has an unfavorable impact on My Travel Links.
Live Website:

My design process was centered around resolving these issues.

Elevate brand trust with video testimonials
Introduce lead generation integration
Reconfigure the website content navigation to reflect My Travel Links' commitment to personalized service

Impact: 70% organic lead growth after launch.

My Travel Links old and new home page
My Travel Links old and new home page
A pivotal transformation was executed on the hero page, where a compelling Call to Actions (CTA) were introduced. This CTAs guided users to effortlessly explore My Travel Links' services and gain a clear understanding of the website's functionality, thus actively engaging them from the moment they landed on the homepage.
Web and mobile hero section
Web and mobile hero section
In response to the prevailing trust challenges within the study abroad agency sector, I implemented a dynamic shift by substituting text-based testimonials with captivating video testimonials. This strategic move allowed users to experience genuine social proof through authentic success stories of My Travel Links.
My Travel Links video testimonial impact
My Travel Links video testimonial impact
For the lead generation, I prioritized personalized communication for users by introducing a contact form which was missing on the previous website and integrating Whatsapp for real time communication. This enhanced accessibility and intimacy.
This project serves as a testament to the transformative power of user-centric design in achieving significant and measurable business results.
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Posted Sep 14, 2023

By addressing the core issues, I elevated My Travel Links brand's credibility with a significant 70% organic lead growth.






UX Designer

Webflow Developer

UI Designer



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