Eye Spy Marketing |Graphics | Social Media |Copy Assistance

Edgar Najera


Graphic Designer

Content Writer

Social Media Manager


Google Docs


Back in 2022, I was working as a freelancer with a Branding Agency named Eye Spy Marketing based in San Francisco. The main focus of this brand agency was helping brands build a strong identity to help clients connect with the brand.
Where I had the opportunity to expand my skills and grow. My main tasks were:
-Copywriting for blog articles
-Graphic Design for Canva Templates
-Social Media Management posts
-Marketing Research
In this project, we will focus on Social Media Management Posts and Graphic Design for Canva templates. My duties were to help them with their agency's social media since they were busy working with other clients.
My duties were to create content that adds value for businesses:
On Mondays, I had to create motivational posts, and on Wednesdays, posts were about topics giving tips on how to grow their businesses. The purpose was to make sure it doesn't seem like we are selling to them aggressively, but adding value. The niche here was for B2B.


On Monday of every week, I was assigned a task. To either create 2 social media posts or to create content doing Graphic Design, using the color palates and the typography of the digital agency. The posts were about Monday motivation and creating content posts through images giving tips on how to do something, and why something is important.
Once I was done with that, and it was approved, my next duty was to create copy for the social media posts and add relevant hashtags. (Even though hashtags weren't a priority and I didn't do enough hashtags research)
Once, I had completed the copy and had the hashtag, I posted.
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In this social media post, I was talking about why brands need to have their business on a website. Educating people that not having a website is missing out on potential customers. If you would like to keep reading, click on the post.
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Let's be real. Hashtags are used on almost every social media platform. Hashtags originated on Twitter and there are thousands created each month. They have become a social media phenomenon. It’s so rare to see posts without hashtags.
EyeSpy Marketing is going to share with you why hashtags are so important to use.
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Have you ever considered creating a unique brand? Continue reading if you answered “yes”.
It's critical to grasp these fundamental concepts in order to build a successful brand.
This post will teach you about 5 common branding terms that you must understand in order to run a successful business.
Motivational Monday posts: Mondays can be challenging for many people as they mark the beginning of a new work or school week. Motivational Monday posts aim to kickstart the week on a positive note by providing encouragement, inspiration, and uplifting messages. These posts help individuals approach their week with optimism and motivation, setting a productive tone from the start.
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The end!
Are you inspired by the stories told within these digital masterpieces? Do you see potential for collaboration and creativity in your journey? If your answer is yes
I welcome you to reach out and connect. Whether you're seeking guidance on organic marketing strategies, are interested in exploring collaboration opportunities, or simply want to share your thoughts and ideas, I'm here to listen and collaborate.
Together, we can continue to paint the canvas of social media with authenticity, passion, and innovation. Let's embark on this journey together, creating meaningful connections and building vibrant communities in the digital landscape.
Do you want to contact me and collaborate? Don't hesitate to reach out—I'm just a message away, ready to bring our shared vision to life. Let's make magic happen! Contact me, let's discuss! 🌟✨
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Posted Feb 8, 2024

Eye Spy Marketing is a Branding Digital Agency based in San Francisco. The main purpose is to help brands to build their own identity.






Graphic Designer

Content Writer

Social Media Manager


Google Docs


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