Welcome Sequence for Emma Lou's Kitchen

Jeff Felten

Email Marketer
Marketing Strategist


Emma Lou's Kitchen is an e-commerce store selling high quality, fresh dog food. We were previously engaged on a month-to-month basis.


The owner had a lead magnet and welcome sequence set up for 6 months, but it wasn't converting as well as she liked. In 6 months, her funnel generated only 7 new orders.

She wasn't sure the best strategy to take to drive more business with her automated funnel.


The current lead magnet was a downloadable piece of content, which is not the best fit for an e-commerce brand. Instead, we made the lead magnet a simple 10% discount. Her products were expensive, and cost was likely a hesitation that kept many browsers from buying.

We then focused the emails on reminding the subscriber to go back to the store and use their coupon.


After 6 months of the new lead magnet and welcome sequence being live, we were able to compare 'apples to apples.'

• The new lead magnet produced nearly 7x more opt ins.

• Yielded 6x more orders and led to 5x the total revenue generated.

Here's the difference! 👇

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