translation rules and regulations school

Kidist Girma

School ?!
Addis Ababa
Approved by the Teachers' Board in the meeting of June 8, 2020
This document is inspired by the principles of the Constitution of the Italian Republic and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
The Institute Regulations are intended to guide individual behavior and promote respect for common rules useful
- to the proper functioning of school life
- to the protection of the environment
- the full personal and social realization of the students who attend the school, according to what is indicated in the Three-Year Plan of the Educational Offer and in the related documents.
All school components are bound to respect the Institute Regulations. Teaching, administrative, technical and auxiliary staff are bound to respect the contractual clauses in force.
The Teachers' Board of the Italian State All-Inclusive Institute of Addis Ababa, in compliance with the school regulations in force in the metropolitan area, in particular the "Statute of Students" (D.P.R. n.245/2007), and the specific regulations governing the functioning of Italian educational institutions abroad, issues the following Institute Regulations.
For the kindergarten school attached to the Italian All-Inclusive State Institute of Addis Ababa, please refer to the Regulations in force prepared by the managing body.
Title I - Rights and duties of students
For the rights and duties of students, please refer to the Co-Responsibility Educational Agreement attached to these Regulations.
Title II - General Rules
School Organs
The Italian school has management bodies that represent the various components of the school: teachers, students, and parents who are represented in the class councils or in the guarantee body participate together, through their representatives, in the life of the school. These collegial bodies, with the exception of the School Council which is not foreseen for Italian schools abroad, are established at various levels of the school (class, group of classes, Institute). The members of the collegial bodies are elected by the members of the class they belong to.
Teachers' Board (art. 7 of Legislative Decree 297/1994).
The Teachers' Board is composed of all the teachers working in the school and is chaired by the Headmaster. The Teachers' Board meets, in times not coinciding with the lessons, on convocation of the Headmaster or at the request of at least one third of its members, whenever there are important decisions on which to deliberate.
The Teachers' Board has full decision-making autonomy within the educational and teaching choices. It elaborates and deliberates the PTOF, the three-year plan of the educational offer.
For any other aspect concerning the modalities of operation, competencies, expression of vote please refer to the attached Regulations.
Intersection, Interclass and Class Councils (art. 5 of Legislative Decree 297/1994)
They have the task of formulating proposals to the Board of Teachers regarding educational and didactic action and experimental initiatives, as well as that of facilitating and extending reciprocal relationships between teachers, parents and students. They formulate proposals for the adoption of textbooks. In the Class and Interclass Councils the educational and didactic progress of the class groups as a whole is verified with respect to the planned programming. Among the duties of the Class Council and Interclass also falls that relating to disciplinary measures against students. The Interclass Council of the Primary School, in the presence of teachers only, collectively evaluates the educational progress of the class. The Class Councils of the Secondary School, with the sole presence of the teachers, collectively assess the overall educational progress of the class and the evaluation of individual students.
Preschool Intersection Council: it is composed of all the teachers and a parent representative for each of the sections involved; it is chaired by the Headmaster or by a teacher who is part of the Council, delegated by him.
Primary School Interclass Council: it is composed of all teachers and a parent representative for each of the classes involved; it is chaired by the Headmaster or by a teacher who is part of the Council, delegated by him.
Class Council of the Secondary School: it is composed of all the teachers of the class and four representatives of the parents; it is chaired by the Headmaster or by a teacher belonging to the Council, delegated by him.
Class Council of the Secondary School: consists of all teachers of the class, two parent representatives and two student representatives; is chaired by the Headmaster or a teacher, part of the Council, by him delegated.
All parents (father and mother), or those who exercise parental authority, have the right to vote to elect their representatives in these bodies; it is the right of each of them to stand for election.
The Interclass Council of the Primary School, with the sole presence of the teachers, collectively evaluates the educational progress of the class. The Class Councils of the Secondary School, with the sole presence of the teachers, collectively assess the educational progress of the class and the evaluation of individual students.
The Headmaster in schools abroad assumes and performs the functions carried out in Italy by the School Board. In Italy, the School Board, subject to the competences of the Teachers' Board and the Intersection, Interclass and Class Councils, adopts the Three-Year Educational Offer Plan and has the power to decide on the organization and planning of life and activities of the school.
The elections of the members of the various collegial bodies are called by the Headmaster at the beginning of each school year.
Title III - Organization by School Order
At the time of enrollment in their respective orders of education and 'required the payment of a contribution by the families of students whose fees, differentiated by year of enrollment, are found in the RULES OF PAYMENT OF RATE AND SCHOOL CONTRIBUTIONS - CRITERIA FOR EXEMPTION AND SEMIESONER, an integral part of this document. Funds from the payment of school fees are used to:
- provide for the ordinary and extraordinary maintenance of school buildings
- renewal of furniture
- expenses related to utilities (electricity, telephone, water, etc.)
- integration of expenses for the purchase of textbooks for students of all school orders
- finance the participation of students in sports activities and participation in tournaments with other local and international educational institutions
- finance extracurricular projects (not MOF)
- photocopies and other teaching materials and stationery
- transportation costs for students and room and board for accompanying teachers during educational trips and visits
- remuneration of local staff (teachers, linguistic-cultural mediators, school staff, gardeners and health personnel present at the school)
- compliance with Law 81/08 (Institute Security)
- pupils and local staff insurance
for which MAECI funding is not foreseen.
The amount requested, agreed upon with the Head of the School Institution at the Diplomatic Representation, is determined on the basis of an analysis of the school fees of local private schools and the financial resources of the students' families, in accordance with Art. 3 of the Cultural Cooperation Agreement between the Government of the Italian Republic and the Government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, signed in Rome on April 28, 1997 and in art. 1.6 of the "executive Program for cultural Cooperation signed in Rome on November 18, 2004 and subsequent Memorandum, specifically the EXCHANGE OF LETTERS CONCERNING THE ITALIAN SCHOOLS IN ETHIOPIA, of which we quote verbatim articles 8 and 9:
Art.8 "The Italian Schools shall be open to all Ethiopian students wishing to attend them. Scholarships, consisting in partial or total exemption from paying the school fee, will be granted to Ethiopian students on the basis of need and merit. The School Board, which includes at least one representative of the Ethiopian parents, shall select scholarship winners";
Art. 9: "The proportion of Ethiopian students in the Italian School shall not be less than 50% of the total enrolment".
Primary School
Enrolments for the first classes will be accepted:
- Pupils of Italian nationality,
- pupils of any nationality who have attended for at least two school years the Italian Nursery School. The mixed commission established to assess the possibility of accepting the enrollment in the first class of the Primary School of children reported by the teachers of the Nursery School will evaluate from time to time the opportunity to postpone by one year the entrance to the elementary school, or to direct students to another school before the enrollment in the first class of the Primary School. The same will evaluate, through an examination of suitability, the acceptance of pupils who, while not possessing the above requirements, have adequate knowledge of the Italian language. The mixed commission is appointed by the Headmaster, after hearing the opinion of the Board of Teachers. By June 30th of the current school year, before the expiry of the enrolment deadline, the commission will decide whether or not to admit the children in question.
Enrolments to subsequent classes will be accepted:
- Of students of Italian nationality,
- of non-Italian students coming from the Italian school system or from the Italian school of another country,
- of students with an adequate knowledge of the Italian language, with a certificate from other schools attesting to having passed classes corresponding to those of the Italian School, subject to verification of the skills possessed by the student by a committee of three teachers of the class corresponding to the student's age. Admission and assignment to classes are subject to the unquestionable judgment of the examining committee.
Non-Italian students cannot be enrolled after the second consecutive repetition, unless otherwise decided by the Interclass Council.
Enrollment entails the payment of school fees according to the terms of the attached Regulations. Failure to pay tuition fees will result in the non-acceptance of the application or, during the course of the year, the suspension of the issuance of the evaluation document.
Secondary School of I and II Grade
In addition to students who continue their education within the Institute, will be accepted enrollments:
- of students of Italian nationality
- of non-Italian students coming from the Italian school system or from the Italian school of another country,
- students who have an adequate knowledge of the Italian language, with a certificate from other schools certifying that they have passed classes corresponding to those of the Italian school, subject to verification of skills, by a committee formed by teachers of all disciplines of the class for which the student seeks admission. Admission and assignment to classes are subject to the unquestionable judgment of the board of examiners.
The enrollment involves the payment of school fees according to the conditions of the attached Regulations. Failure to pay the fees will result in the rejection of the application or, during the year, the suspension of the issuance of the evaluation document.
We reiterate that non-Italian students will not be accepted after the second consecutive repetition, unless otherwise advised by the Class Council. For these students it will be possible, under the family education system, to take the annual exams as private students. The Class Council may decide to readmit the student to the school after he/she has passed a qualifying examination; in this case, a further interruption of the curricular course is not allowed.
In case of repetition, it will not be possible to enroll students who have reached 16 years of age, which is the age limit for compulsory schooling according to Italian law, in the Secondary School, unless the Class Council decides otherwise at the formal request of the parents of the student concerned.
Students auditors
Given the specificity of the situation in which the Italian State School of Addis Ababa operates, it is considered useful to allow, within the first quarter, the attendance as auditors to pupils to be included in the Italian school system in the following cases
- students of Italian nationality out of compulsory schooling who ask to take the suitability exams for intermediate or final classes in secondary school;
Admission to attendance as an auditor can take place only after a resolution of the Class Council and the payment of school fees. For cases not provided for in these Regulations, subject to compliance with the rule, the decision will still be taken by the Class Council concerned.
In compliance with what is provided for by local regulations, the repetition of the school year in each class is allowed only once. Normally, a double rejection in the same class will result in removal from school attendance except in the cases mentioned above.
Formation of classes
The formation of classes is the responsibility of the Headmaster who follows the criteria established by the Teachers' Board, after hearing the opinion of the committees.
A commission appointed by the Headmaster with a special decree and composed of the Headmaster himself, the Director of General and Administrative Services, a parent and a teacher will assign scholarships from private donations to deserving students of the secondary school of first and second degree, always in accordance with art. 8 of the already mentioned EXCHANGE OF LETTERS CONCERNING THE ITALIAN SCHOOLS IN ETHIOPIA.
The commission meets during the school year following the one to which the scholarships to be awarded refer and proceeds to define the amount of each scholarship on the basis of the funds available and the number of deserving students;
                The assignment criteria are as follows:
Secondary school
1. third grade students who have passed the exam at the end of the first cycle of education with a score of 8/10; 9/10 and 10/10
Secondary school
2. fourth-grade students who have obtained in the final exam an evaluation of 9/10;
3. fifth-grade students who have obtained a score from 90 to 99 cents in the state exam;
4. fifth-grade students who have obtained a score of 100/100 and 100/100 and honors cents in the State examination
Title IV Organization of School Time
Supervision of students
Entry into the courtyard is allowed from 7:30 am, under the supervision of school staff.
For safety reasons, it is strictly forbidden for outsiders to enter the school building during the educational activities. The children of the Kindergarten, accompanied by parents, will be entrusted to the auxiliary staff that will take care of the supervision within the complex. Five minutes before the start of lessons they will be taken in charge by the section teacher. Primary and Secondary students will enter the buildings five minutes before the start of classes, in an orderly manner, under the supervision of the teachers of the first hour of class for the Primary, while the Secondary students will be expected in class by the teachers of the first hour. In case of rain, access to the atrium of the various buildings is allowed.
During class time students are not allowed to leave the classroom; only in exceptional cases the teacher may authorize the exit for a short time and no more than one student at a time. During time changes, students cannot leave the classroom but must wait for the arrival of the teacher while maintaining an appropriate behavior. If it is necessary to move to another classroom, students must be accompanied by a teacher or a school employee. During the intervals of the lessons, the teaching staff on duty supervises the behavior of the students in the allowed spaces, which do not include the spaces behind the school buildings.
At the end of classes:
- Kindergarten students will be entrusted to their parents or persons with a proxy according to the procedures set forth in the School Regulations;
- Primary School students, classes one, two and three, will be accompanied to the gate by the teacher of the last hour and entrusted to parents or persons with a proxy and authorized by the Headmaster.  Primary School students, classes four and five, and Secondary School students will be accompanied to the gate by the teacher of the last hour and entrusted to parents or persons with a proxy and authorized by the Headmaster except those who have been formally authorized to leave independently by those exercising parental authority.
- Secondary School students will be accompanied to the gate by the teacher of the last hour.
In the event that parents (or their delegates) of Primary and Secondary School students who are not authorized to leave independently are not present at the exit at the end of class, they will be placed under the supervision of a school employee, identified for this purpose in the Annual Plan of Activities of ATA personnel. The cost of supervision, from 15 minutes of delay, will be borne by the families according to the amounts established by the school (currently 1000 ETB). After exiting the school, only students engaged in teaching activities may re-enter the school premises and its appurtenances, subject to control by the security staff.
Organization of curricular school time
Weekly lessons are organized according to what is established annually by the Teachers' Board and specified in the Three-Year Educational Offer Plan. The annual and weekly calendar of lessons is communicated to students and families and published on the school website as soon as it is prepared. In formulating the weekly schedule of classes will be taken into account:
- the teaching needs;
- the needs arising from the use of classrooms and common or dedicated spaces (gym, laboratories, libraries);
- the possible combinations of classes. During the daily schedule there are intervals according to the following schedule:
Primary School: one recess period of 30 minutes;
Secondary School: two recess periods of 10 minutes each;
Secondary School: two recess periods of 15 minutes each and a third period of 10 minutes.
Students must adhere to all school operating hours established at the beginning of each year and always justify any non-compliance in the forms indicated below.
In all three grades, the teacher conducting the first hour of class must record tardies and absences in the register or class journal. Late students are allowed to enter the school after 10:00 a.m. and must report to the office before being admitted to class. After 10 a.m. no student will be allowed to enter the Institute except in exceptional cases previously authorized. For Secondary School students, delays must be justified by the next day in writing by the parents on the personal booklet. If there are more than three delays per month, the class teacher or class coordinator will give written notice to the family. In case of recurrence, after written communication to the family, the student's parents will be summoned. In case of further recidivism, the class council will adopt the necessary disciplinary measures, including expulsion from the school. The Class Council will also take into account delays in the evaluation of behavior.
Absences for family, study or health reasons are allowed. Each absence must be excused on the first day of return to school. In the case of failure to submit a justification after two days of return to school, the family of the student concerned will be summoned. If the absence due to illness is more than five days, the student will be readmitted to class upon presentation of medical certification. In the case of contagious diseases diagnosed by the school doctor, the student will be readmitted to class only with the doctor's certification.
In case of repeated or frequent absences due to causes other than health reasons, the class coordinator will notify the family in writing and, in serious cases, will request the convening of the Interclass/Class Council for any disciplinary measures to be taken. For the Secondary School, absences are not allowed for a number of hours and days higher than that established by ministerial regulations (obligation of attendance for three quarters of the annual time in each discipline, as indicated in the Decree of the President of the Republic of June 22, 2009 n. 122, Article 14, paragraph 7). Failure to meet the minimum attendance requirement will result in exclusion from the final exam and non-admission to the next class or to the final exam, except for exceptions established by the Teachers' Board as provided for by current regulations. It is the responsibility of the Class Council to verify, in compliance with the articles of these Regulations, whether the individual student has exceeded the maximum allowed number of absences and whether such absences, although falling within the exceptions provided by the Teachers' Board, still prevent the student from proceeding to the evaluation phase, given the insufficient permanence of the educational relationship.
Early Exit
Students who are not of age may leave early only in the presence of their parents or persons delegated by them and in any case not earlier than two hours after the end of classes, except in exceptional cases evaluated from time to time.
Such an exit must be formally authorized by the Headmaster or his delegate by filling out a specific form and noted in the class journal. Early exits for students of age can be requested by the same, but still require the authorization of the Headmaster or his delegate, after checking with the family.
Shortening of the teaching day
On the occasion of extraordinary events (general strikes, trade union assemblies, lectio brevis on particular days decreed by the collegiate bodies, other situations of importance), the Management may decree changes or articulate differently the daily schedule of lessons, after obtaining a favorable opinion from the head of the diplomatic-consular representation, giving adequate notice in the forms provided.
Staying beyond class time
Students are not allowed to stay inside the school buildings or within the school grounds beyond class time, i.e. beyond the time established for scheduled activities in which, in any case, the presence of a teacher or of personnel delegated to carry out specific tasks (extracurricular activities) or supervision is foreseen. Students will be allowed to stay on the school premises beyond class time while waiting for optional afternoon activities only if it is possible to organize the necessary supervisory service.
For activities planned in the MOF the school is committed to organizing such service. The activities proposed by external parties, approved by the collegiate bodies of competence, must provide, for students who request it, an adequate supervisory service, the maximum duration of one hour, in the period between the end of classes and the beginning of the activities themselves. The modalities of such surveillance, at the expense of the proponents, will be agreed with the school, ensuring the necessary safety requirements.
Title V - Use of spaces, facilities, equipment
At the beginning of each school year, on the basis of the number of classes established and the hours of instruction in each class, the use of common spaces inside and outside the school buildings is regulated on the basis of the following criteria:
- equitable distribution among the distinct school orders;
- functionality with respect to disciplines and activities.
On the basis of the needs identified in the Teachers' Board, specific regulations will be defined for the use of particular spaces such as libraries, laboratories and other common areas.
Title VI - Rules of Conduct
Protection of the school environment and health
The premises, the furniture, the book, scientific and technological material are a precious educational and cultural heritage at the service of the generations of students who take turns on the school desks of the Institute and therefore must be respected and preserved. Classrooms should not be left in disorder, nor should walls and furniture be soiled. Everyone is required to keep the building and the compound clean and tidy in order to make the school environment constantly welcoming; students will keep their desks tidy and, with the collaboration of the teacher and the auxiliary staff, will take care of the classroom decorum. The teacher on duty in the last hour of class must check that the classroom is left in order by the students. During breaks, students in the Nursery and Primary Schools will eat their meals without making a mess, using cutlery, placemats and napkins; secondary school students will normally eat their meals outside, without leaving any kind of garbage behind. Those who fail to comply with the basic principles of respect and defense of community property will be personally responsible, through the reimbursement of damages caused and exposing themselves to possible disciplinary measures, commutable in useful work for the school, to be carried out outside school hours, and possibly tending to restore the conditions prior to the damage.
Personal Items
Students must take care of personal items and not leave them unattended. Everyone must respect common and personal items.
Mobile phones and personal electronic equipment
It is forbidden to use cell phones and/or other electronic devices for non-didactic purposes. Those who, for documented reasons, need to do so, may request temporary permission from the teacher. Any transgressions will be subject to sanctions.
Smoking ban
It is forbidden to smoke in all internal rooms, in the courtyard and in the internal perimeter of the school. Current regulations provide for disciplinary and administrative sanctions for violators.
In order to protect public health, during celebrations authorized by the Headmaster or the teacher on duty, in the classroom or school and 'allowed only the use of food purchased in public establishments.
On the occasion of birthday parties of the elementary school, carried out following the express authorization of the teacher, the parents of students may enter the classroom only for the time strictly necessary to deliver the food and possibly take some pictures.
Title VII - Disciplinary Measures and the Guarantee Board
In cases of violation of the rules established by these Regulations, students are subject to sanctions imposed by means of specific disciplinary measures. Disciplinary measures have an educational purpose and tend to reinforce a sense of responsibility, the affirmation of a culture of rights and duties and the restoration of correct relationships within the school community. In Primary School, the Interclass Council evaluates the forms of intervention and disciplinary sanctions in cases of misbehavior.
In the Secondary School, the following applies:
Disciplinary responsibility and sanctions
Responsibility is personal. Sanctions must be temporary, proportionate to the offense, inspired by the principle of repairing the damage. No disciplinary sanction may be issued without inviting the student to explain his/her reasons. The student may be offered the opportunity to convert the sanction into activities in favor of the school community.
No disciplinary infraction related to behavior may affect the evaluation of profit. Behavior contrary to the duties of students, as formulated in the student statute and in the educational pact in force at this school, constitutes a disciplinary failure.
The sanctions that may be imposed are as follows:
A. oral warning, which may be carried out by all school personnel, for minor infractions;
B. written warning (disciplinary note in the class journal) for more serious infractions, which is carried out by the teacher who, after having clarified and verbally stigmatized the nature of the misconduct, provides a written reprimand to the student with a disciplinary note. The measure must be noted on the student's personal record in the "school or family communications" section and returned countersigned by parents or those exercising parental responsibility.
C. suspension from classes up to a maximum of 15 days for serious infractions;
D. suspension from classes for more than 15 days for behavior that is detrimental to the dignity and personal safety of any member of the school community;
E. removal from the school community with exclusion from the final grade in cases of repeated infractions under D.
The following behaviors shall constitute serious infractions:
(a) repetition of minor infractions already sanctioned by multiple written warnings;
b) repeated tardiness and unexcused and frequent absences;
c) lack of respect towards other students or school personnel (offensive verbal expressions, altercations, quarrels, physical aggression);
d) harmful acts of particular gravity (bullying, cyberbullying, theft and damage of personal effects);
e) use and/or distribution of drugs;
f) damage to school property;
g) degradation of the school environment caused by inappropriate behavior;
h) malicious forgery of a parent's signature on deeds or documents or alteration of school documents.
Sanctions can be imposed both for failures committed within the school during ordinary or additional teaching activities, and for those committed in other locations outside the school, during educational trips, guided tours, educational trips, sports or cultural activities, internal or external internships, internal or external apprenticeships. For each act sanctioned by these Regulations, the student receives a disciplinary note. After three notes, the Coordinator considers whether to convene the Class Council to discuss the advisability of sanctioning the student through a disciplinary measure. In the most serious cases, the Class Council may still impose a suspension even for a single infraction.
Before the imposition of the measures referred to in points C to E, the secondary school students involved have the right to be heard in their eventual exoneration by the Class Council. Students may appeal against disciplinary measures to the Internal Guarantee Board provided for by the Statute within 10 days of notification of the sanction; the Guarantee Board must be convened within five days of notification of the appeal, with at least one day's notice. The disciplinary measure decided by the Class Council will be suspended until the decision is taken by the Guaranty Body, which will normally have to give its opinion within 10 days.
Guarantee Board (DPR 248 of 98, DPR 235 of 2007, note of 31 July 2008)
The guarantee Board is presided over by the Headmaster or his delegate and is composed of:
- two regular teachers and two substitutes, elected by the Board of Teachers, one from the First Grade Secondary School and one from the Second Grade Secondary School;
- two parent representatives and two alternates, chosen from among the class representatives, two from the First Grade Secondary School and two from the Second Grade Secondary School;
- one student and one substitute, chosen by the student class representatives gathered in assembly.
The school's Internal Guarantee Board decides, at the request of the students or anyone else with an interest in the matter, on any conflicts that arise regarding the application of these Regulations.
Within the Guarantee Board the teacher is replaced by the substitute when the complaining student belongs to one of his or her classes; likewise, the parent and the student are replaced by the substitute when they are directly involved in the case under appeal.
The Guaranteeing Body is operative even in the absence of the appointment of representatives of certain components, provided that a relative majority of those entitled to vote is guaranteed. A vote of abstention does not affect the counting of valid votes. In the event of a tie, the President's vote prevails.
The members of the Guarantee Board remain in office for three years. The lapsed members will be replaced according to the above procedures.
Approval and application of these Regulations
All school personnel and students are required to observe and enforce these Regulations, which are adopted by the Board of Teachers and are binding. The Regulations may be modified by the Board of Teachers with a resolution passed by absolute majority. The entry into force of these Regulations coincides with the date of its approval.
These Regulations have been approved by the Teachers' Board of the Istituto Statale Italiano Omnicomprensivo of Addis Ababa on __________
The First Embassy Counsellor                                                                                                      The School Director
   Giuseppe Sean Coppola                                                                                                              Stefania Pasqualoni
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