In case of repeated or frequent absences due to
causes other than health reasons, the class coordinator will notify the family
in writing and, in serious cases, will request the convening of the
Interclass/Class Council for any disciplinary measures to be taken. For the
Secondary School, absences are not allowed for a number of hours and days
higher than that established by ministerial regulations (obligation of
attendance for three quarters of the annual time in each discipline, as
indicated in the Decree of the President of the Republic of June 22, 2009 n.
122, Article 14, paragraph 7). Failure to meet the minimum attendance
requirement will result in exclusion from the final exam and non-admission to
the next class or to the final exam, except for exceptions established by the
Teachers' Board as provided for by current regulations. It is the responsibility
of the Class Council to verify, in compliance with the articles of these
Regulations, whether the individual student has exceeded the maximum allowed
number of absences and whether such absences, although falling within the
exceptions provided by the Teachers' Board, still prevent the student from
proceeding to the evaluation phase, given the insufficient permanence of the
educational relationship.