DeepSeq.AI Company Presentation

Kourosh Dormiani

Graphic Designer
Infographic Designer
Presentation Designer
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop
DeepSeq.AI is a technology company that uses advanced AI and bioinformatics to revolutionize protein drug design. Their platform focuses on protein library design, functional screening, and large-scale data generation to accelerate the discovery of novel drug candidates. DeepSeq.AI combines cutting-edge AI models with high-quality experimental data to optimize protein sequences and predict stability, enabling faster and more efficient drug development.
For DeepSeq.AI’s presentation, we designed a sleek, data-driven pitch deck that highlighted their innovative workflows and breakthrough methodologies. The deck featured dynamic infographics that visualized complex data and processes, making their technology easy to understand. These infographics included protein clustering visuals, functional property optimization, and AI-driven data insights, ensuring the presentation was both visually compelling and informative.
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