
Charlie Morton


Growth Marketer

Product Manager

Webflow Developer





Many renters in the UK face living in mismanaged properties where landlords do not comply with fundamental regulations.
Landlords who fail to register and protect tenant's deposits can be required to refund up to 3X the deposit back to tenants.
Landlords who operate an unlicensed house of multiple occupancy (HMO) can be required to refund up to 12 months of the rent back to tenants.
The law was solid and yet the numerous nuances made it extremely difficult for tenants to understand:
If their deposit was registered
If their property is an HMO
If it was in HMO, was it one that required a licence
Whether a valid licence was in place for the HMO
How to deal with an infraction if one is identified

Building the user experience

Landing page including interactive calculator and property selector with auto-complete
Landing page including interactive calculator and property selector with auto-complete

First page of details. A semantic form style was chosen.
First page of details. A semantic form style was chosen.
Second page of details with custom build true/false fields
Second page of details with custom build true/false fields
Completion page
Completion page

Building the back-end

AirTable as a database

Database to manage new users and their case details
Database to manage new users and their case details
Dashboard summarising important data
Dashboard summarising important data

Automations to run custom scripts

Interact with external APIs to gather additional information for each case
Interact with external APIs to gather additional information for each case
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Posted Feb 9, 2023

Complex system to create a very simple way for renters to check the compliance of their landlord and take appropriate actions if breaches are identified.






Growth Marketer

Product Manager

Webflow Developer




Charlie Morton

Product & startup specialist - concept to complete

App for renters
App for renters
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COVID Tier un-confuser
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