
Stella Yeung


Mobile Designer

Product Designer


All of your experiences and memories in one place — as private or as public as you want. Reflect on the past and set goals for the future.
Product Designer — Design Research, Visual Design, Branding, Interaction Design, Prototyping
In May 2020, studies in an issue of the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology showed that "experiential consumption is associated with significantly greater happiness than both non-consumption or the consumption of material goods.” The goal of Mem is to extend the temporary satisfaction that comes from experiential consumption, in whatever shape or form to, hopefully, a lifetime.
Keep track of anything
Pick either “Memory” or “Entertainment” to log an experience. When creating an entry, users can add songs, images, a rating, videos, and more. Users have the ability to pick prompts to help jot the most important parts of the experience. Tag friends, or don’t tag your friends. Entries are as public or private as users want them to be.
Keep track of anything
Users can create lists of anything they want whether it is their favorite war movies, the best parties they’ve ever been to, or their favorite pop concerts.Share lists with friends to easily give and receive recommendations or keep them for yourself. Additionally, create personal ranking lists to seperate your favorites from all the rest.
Personal Stats
Get personalized stats for any type of memory or experience in your history. Get to see things like your favorite films, books, and favorite places to go all in numbers. Stats are catered to the type of experience or memory and are only viewable by the account owner.
While conducting initial user interviews, interviewees spoke about how there isn’t a good way to keep track of goals like reading a certain amount of books or watching a certain amount of films during a period of time.Studies have shown people are more likely to accomplish their goals if they write it down. Therefore, users can set goals fit for their schedule. They can choose how many things they want to do per day, week, month, or year and set reminders to help them reach their goals.
Gradients are a stand-out aspect of Mem as they give off a flowy, ephemeral energy similar to the subtedly fleeting natural life cycle of a memory. It felt right that the experience defaulted to dark mode considering most memories feel a bit blurry and distant.
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Posted Sep 28, 2023

An app collecting all of your experiences and memories in one place — as private or as public as you want. Reflect on the past and set goals for the future.








Mobile Designer

Product Designer
