Hope County Healthcare Record

Khizran Adabanija


Data Modelling Analyst

Data Analyst

Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Power BI

Project Description:
The Project involves developing a dashboard for admission and discharge records at Hope County healthcare using Power BI. It encompasses building a user-friendly interface dashboard that allows employees at Hope county to keep track of patients and have basic information of all patients in the county.
Project Steps:
Data Cleaning
Excel Functions: Conditional formatting, What-If analysis
DAX Functions: to find the duration patients spends right from admission time to discharge time.
2. Dashboard Development
Developed a user-friendly dashboard showing all admitted/discharged patients
Implemented a data ratio grading visual that shows medical condition of patients in relation with blood type.
Integrated a data visual that shows the most used medication prescribed for patients in order to identify a viable pattern in patients being admitted periodically.
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Posted Aug 14, 2024

Developed a User-friendly dashboard for Hope County healthcare; for constant update for all employees to keep tabs with all patients being admitted.






Data Modelling Analyst

Data Analyst

Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Power BI

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