Wellness Guided Programs : The Wellness Corner

Kamanksha Swami




Microsoft Office 365

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Source: Google Images

Wellness Guided Programs

Developing a healthy habit or fitness routine can take considerable time and effort. The Wellness Corner offers a wide range of Guided Wellness Programs to their platinum members to enrich their lifestyle. Specially designed by our verified experts, these automated, cost-effective health coach solutions are devised to improve your overall health and wellness.
We offer you access to explore expert-verified designated programs that guide you throughout your journey to develop a new habit or improve your lifestyle. We aim to serve as a wellness platform to facilitate guidance for implementing healthy choices and reducing health risks. The program notifies you about everyday to-do tasks, recommends related expert webinars and readable articles to meet your goals while rewarding you for completing your everyday tasks. In case if you need more time to accomplish those goals, you can rejoin the program without any additional cost. 

Master Mindfulness

We believe wellness is not limited to keeping your body healthy but maintaining peace of mind. The Master Mindfulness program focuses on cherishing your feelings and small moments of happiness in your life. We offer you confidential support to cope up with depression, anxiety, stress, and other substance issues. Considering the one-step-at-a-time strategy, we start with setting your goals or intentions, and cultivate your acceptance while promoting meditation practices by delivering expert-verified coaching videos, webinars, suggested article readings, and breathing exercises every day. To analyze your growth and to keep your vision clear, we recommend you start journaling as it reflects your cognitive processing. 
Week 1: Cultivate Acceptance
Week 2: Take Control
Week 3: Mindful Daily Life Practices
Week 4: Meditate & Heal

Improve Your Digestive Health

What your gut tells you is always right. But to understand this, you need to get to the base of digestive health. A healthy digestion system is indispensable for your overall health. Improvement of your digestive health requires detoxification, the right food, immune regulation, and absorption of nutrients. The program focuses on suggesting the right food diet (verified by experts), workout routine to promote a healthy gut, related articles to healthy digestion system, foods to avoid, etc. 
Week 1: Develop Healthy Eating Habits
Week 2: Food As Medicine
Week 3: Create A Healthy Routine
Week 4: What Can You Eat

Anger Management

The trick to anger management is to have a problem-solving attitude. Your response to angry feelings defines the action toward a circumstance. Getting angry is a genuine expression, however, when it harms you and people around you, this can lead you to depression, stress, and other mental problems. This module will take you through the anger assessment, practices to control anger, exercise, and yoga routine to balance your emotions, healthy diet to balance your moods, and suggested readings related to it. Practice these daily tasks to control your long-time anger emotions to enjoy your life at its best. 
Week 1: Manage, Meditate & Monitor

Moving Beyond FOMO

Sometimes the small things we ignore turn out to be the major cause of our depression or anxiety. The key element of FOMO refers to your 'Fear', fear of feeling left out, missing out, or knowing less. When you are not able to keep up with your own schedule and find reasons to ignore it, it's time to pay attention to this habit. Redefine, reflect and restore your own value to move forward not backward in your life. Find out what fuels your fear of missing out and let's overcome it together. We will help you track your moods, setting your priorities, and developing your worth that you need. Our program will assist you step-by-step to bring the drastic change in your life that you have been trying to achieve for a long time. But how do we do it? Let’s take a brief look:
Week 1: Fear Analysis & Track Your Mood
Week 2: Prioritize Yourself To Stay Gratified

Women Wellness

Women, blossoming in life in every dimension, taking care of everyone around her, forgetting herself completely in the chaos, who will nudge her for her health and wellness. Whether she is an intern, businesswoman, or housewife, the struggle is real. The Wellness Corner has designed this program exclusively for women of all stages taking care of their physical and mental health aspects to nurture, prosper, and care for them. We will address managing weight, nutrition, and exercise, stress management, and life cycle changes to improve their health habits and lifestyle. Designed by verified experts, the program will contain a workout routine, related readable articles, pdfs, and webinars to target the improvement in overall quality of life. 
Week 1: Take A Break & Relax
Week 2: Work & Work It Out

Manage Constipation

Constipation, one of the common health issues, is a point of discussion for a mass number of people. It can create a negative impact on your quality of life while affecting your physical and mental health. Taking medicine without understanding the core reason is the area where you should work on to cure most of it. Unhealthy eating habits, lifestyle choices, or medication patterns are one of the reasons for your constipated system. We will work on developing healthy eating habits and a water drinking routine with our water tracker to help improve your digestion system. 
Week 1: Healthy Eating & Drinking

Manage Cholesterol

Cholesterol is just the fat that your body requires to function properly. Balancing your fat level is indispensable otherwise it can lead to major health issues and cardiovascular problems. Our program works from developing advanced eating habits to workout routines for improving your lifestyle and cholesterol level. By keeping your body healthy, you can keep your mind clear and strong. It's important to know what is in the pipeline and how is this program going to help you, here is a brief view for you:
Week 1: Check, Change, Control
Week 2: Workout to Work-It-Out

Sleep Better

Feel exhausted most of the time or tired of tossing and turning during nap time? Your sleeping pattern affects your appetite, body functioning, physical and even mental health. You know lack of sleep is correlated to your productivity. It is true that its necessity is often overlooked because we always seek more time. So what can be the possible reason that is depriving you of sleep? The Wellness Corner brings you a one-week Sleep Better program that will assist you in identifying your sleep stressors, track your mood and guide you throughout your meditation journey to create and develop defined surroundings for a healthy lifestyle.
Week 1: Identify, Meditate & Prioritize

Migraine Management

Migraine, an acute and debilitating headache condition, can be difficult to endure. The severity of the problem can cause a decline in physical and mental health conditions. It can be managed through a combination of treatment and prevention. Our migraine management plans help you with an expert-guided routine of a healthy diet, meditation, an appropriate water and sleep routine to control your migraine to an extent. We follow the following strategy to reestablish a healthy lifestyle.
Week 1: Restore, Revitalize & Reorganize Your Routine

Anxiety Management

Sometimes, uncertainty and stress leave us feeling anxious. But do we need to worry about it? When your anxious feelings restrain you from reaching your goals or taking certain actions, that's the time when you need to consider the right consultation or a well-planned anxiety management program. Not only do we aim to identify whether your anxiety is in severe condition, but help you to track your moods, develop progressive meditation habits and self-affirmation to control your anxiety level.
Week 1: Assess, Analyse, & Adminstare

Post Covid Recovery Wellness Plan

Are you one of those million people who suffered from lingering COVID-19 symptoms? The happiness behind a COVID-19 negative report is incomparable but does it make everything go back to normal? Seems like coronavirus does not only harm your body but also leaves scars of mental trauma for a while. The shortness of breath, body weakness, fatigue, mental fogginess, pain, anxiety seizes our brain for weeks or months. To regain our lives, we ensure quick and safe recovery with proper techniques and guidance. We assess your endurance, strength, sensation, and emotional stressors while suggesting the right diet, meals, yoga, and daily routine for quick recovery. 
Week 1: Include Vitamin, Zinc & Iron-Enriched Diet
Week 2: Yoga With Healthy Diet

PCOS Management

Any woman can be the victim of PCOS hormonal disorder, but taking care of it at the right time makes you empowered. In between managing your work life and personal life, you forget the little issues we might face during and due to your periods. We offer a 15-days guided wellness program that assists you to manage PCOS by consistent support and care: with expert knowledge and workout routines. We believe in solving problems in a systematic form to remove them from the base. We guide you from managing the PCOS symptoms for reducing the risk of PCOS-related health complications.
Week 1: Assess & Manage Healthy Diet
Week 2: Take Control & Meditate
Week 3: Analyse Reports & Improvement

Dunk The Junk

Saying no to junk food seems impossible especially when it becomes your lifestyle. You know the kind of food you eat regulates your moods too. With palatable taste and tasty vibes it gives, the junk will bring several health issues to make your life miserable. Avoiding junk can be difficult but not impossible. Our program helps you add the right nutrition to your meal for the smooth functioning of your mind and body. We believe that quitting does not help unless you use the replacement strategy. Bringing the idea of replacing-the-meal on the table, we help you track your food suggesting the right exercises and meals to keep you healthy.
Week 1: Track, Train & Trigger
Week 2: Control Your Plate Portion
Week 3: Exercise Regimen

Enhance Immunity Naturally

A strong immunity system holds utmost importance in the human body to defend against viruses and other diseases. Restoring and revitalizing your immune system is essential for the optimal functioning of your body. Among all those right drinking and eating advice, what to eat, how to improve your immunity naturally question remain unanswered. We introduce you to our 30 days wellness program to help you rebuild, regulate and restore your immunity system naturally. From eating healthy, drinking plenty of water, exercising, appropriate sleep time to managing stress, we will guide you throughout to get you on your final path. 
Week 1: Know Your System & Build Right Habits
Week 2: Add Immunity Booster Foods
Week 3: Add Vitamins, Zinc & Fiber-Rich Foods
Week 4: It’s Time To Break The Monotony
Week 5: Laugh & Live

Hypothyroid Management Program

Just like any chronic condition, hypothyroidism needs continuous medication to minimize symptoms and prevent complications. With proper treatment and an antioxidant-rich diet, you can manage to stay healthy. While diet is not enough for curing the hypothyroid conditions, we cater a verified 15-days wellness guided program that can help you structure a healthy routine if you're suffering from hypothyroid and confused about what to do next. How? Let's segregate the whole plan in the 4 weeks strategy to build a healthy habit:
Week 1: Understand Hypothyroidism & Work-It-Out
Week 2: Food As Medicine
Week 3: Guilt-Free Snacking
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Posted Mar 19, 2023

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Wellness Corner




Microsoft Office 365

Kamanksha Swami

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