Lifestyle couples card game | Brand Identity Design

Yan - Studio Eclectics


Brand Designer

Brand Strategist

Visual Designer

Adobe Illustrator



Mystery meets intimacy, bringing couples closer with every game.

CHALLENGE Twogether is the laid-back card game designed for couples seeking to enrich their connection in a relaxed, enjoyable way.  Picture this: cozying up with your partner, sharing genuine conversations, and exploring meaningful topics together—all while having a blast. Twogether creates the perfect atmosphere for light-hearted discussions and casual chats, making it easy for you and your partner to get to know each other on a deeper level. Our challenge is to create a brand identity for Twogether that embodies a relaxed, intimate vibe, with a hint of mystery and sensuality that keeps couples coming back for more.
Our solution was to position the brand as mysterious and edgy, yet intimate and laid-back, all aimed at bringing couples closer together. We opted for dark and moody imagery to convey the brand's essence, focusing on the unique love shared exclusively between couples. 
The core message revolves around being perceived as a brand that fosters deeper connections between partners.
The logo features two fonts merging together, symbolizing the coming together of each part of the couple to form a strong bond.
Our choice of a dark and edgy colour palette, complemented by pops of orange, highlights the brand's casual approach. We used display typography to evoke a sense of mystery, while keeping the fonts clean and refined for a polished look.
The end result is a brand that exudes intimacy yet allure, effortlessly drawing people in and bringing couples closer together.
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Posted Mar 25, 2024

Brand Identity Design for cool, edgy couples card game. Chic, minimal and strong branding that exudes mystery and brings intimacy.






Brand Designer

Brand Strategist

Visual Designer

Adobe Illustrator



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