⚾️ Bio: Athletes, Gold, & The Superbowl

Gage Matuszak



Social Media Manager

Content Creator

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If you're a sports or athletic brand seeking a content creator who just "gets you," then look no-more! I am a 1st Team All-American, Rawlings Gold Glove, and Player of the Year. As an ex-D1 athlete, I played for three different colleges/universities: University of Utah, Feather River College, and the University of Washington. I also have three professional athletes who came before me, my uncles, John Matuszak, Glen Kozlowski, and Mike Kozlowski.
2015 Rawlings Gold Glove That Sits In My Office
2015 Rawlings Gold Glove That Sits In My Office
John "Tooz" Matuszak; 1st Overall Pick 73' NFL Draft, Two-Time Super Bowl Champion, and played "Sloth" in the 'Goonies' movie.
John Matuszak In His Football Gear & On Set Of The Goonies
John Matuszak In His Football Gear & On Set Of The Goonies
Glen "The Koz" Kozlowski; 84' National Champion with Brigham Young University and 11th Round Pick in the 86' NFL Draft.
Glen Kozlowski Celebrating After Scoring a Touchdown
Glen Kozlowski Celebrating After Scoring a Touchdown
Mike "The Koz" Kozlowski; 10th Round Pick in the 76' NFL Draft.
Mike Kozlowski High-Fiving Mark Brown
Mike Kozlowski High-Fiving Mark Brown

Needless to say, sports and athletics are in my DNA and I'm always up for a challenge. Let's get started and create a successful campaign for you and your brand / business!

Clip From The Youtube Video Called "Sporty" Made By Kyle
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Posted Jan 22, 2022

A quick look at my past life, and athletic achievements, both by me and my family.






University of Washington



Social Media Manager

Content Creator

💉$161,700 in Recurring Annual Revenue
💉$161,700 in Recurring Annual Revenue
🥩$60,000 in Monthly Retail Sales
🥩$60,000 in Monthly Retail Sales
🎉$24,000 in Ticket Sales
🎉$24,000 in Ticket Sales
📜Testimonies, Skills & Past Performance
📜Testimonies, Skills & Past Performance