TV bumpers are used between commercials and TV programs to provide information such as the channel name or upcoming content. This is an example of one that would play before previewing programs that are following the one currently airing providing a break from commercials. Bumpers can also help networks with varying episode times and fill space if needed.
Creation Process
Brief: Create a bumper with the text 'Coming Up Next' following Disney XD's rebrand
Using brainstorming techniques develop the idea of the text falling and landing on itself due to the large nature of the typeface
Using references from appropriate previous media generate the idea of a lot of bright colored shapes, both 2D and 3D, moving behind the text with varying patterns to match previous stylistic choices
Create 3D text objects using the Disney XD brand typeface
Add rigid body dynamics to text objects to create falling and landing animation
Create emitters to shoot Primitives out behind text
Animate camera movement to reveal text
Stylize with Materials and effects such as Sketch and Toon
Cinema 4D Viewport
Use Adobe After Effects to create background animations such as swirls and moving shapes