UI/UX Design | Competent Boards Case Study

Laxsan Nishanthan

Web Designer
UX Designer


The business landscape in North America and around the world is changing, in that there are more regulations requiring companies to think about their social impact.
The legal and business ramifications of not meeting these requirements could put the company out of business.
Competent Boards provides board members and business leaders with the knowledge and expertise to be able to maneuver in this changing business landscape.

My Role

Redesigning the website was one of my main responsibilities. There was a lot of traffic coming in to the site, but conversion rates were low.
Before starting the redesign, I studied the analytics to get an understanding of the user behaviour of the website visitors, and optimized the designs to fit that.

Design Process

User Flow

Web Design


Redesigning the Competent Boards website resulted in a noticable improvement in conversions and overall user engagemment.
As I continue to monitor the analytics, I will make adjustments and improvements as needed.
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