Brand Strategist
Marketing Strategist
It was an image that spoke of dreams, hard work, perseverance, can do attitude, humbleness, attributes that we wanted to instill into a brand, designed for an audience with a vast majority of small and medium sized customers (SME's).
...each customer story followed a common thread: their livelihood is cemented in the hard work and dedication of their people, and the passion they had on their business was contagious.
"Sealand resonates, has a lot more awareness and a lot more buy-in from customers" AP Moller Maersk EVP
Posted Jul 17, 2024
Brand relaunch for Sealand, the Americas based intraregional efforts by Maersk, turned global in 2018 until consolidated under the Maersk umbrella in 2022
Brand Strategist
Marketing Strategist