DePoly SE

Petar Stojakovic


3D Designer

Brand Designer

Web Designer

Cinema 4D



Country: Switzerland
Industry: Environmental technology
Year: 2022
Service(s): 16
Detailed: [CASE STUDY]

Enhanced recycling comes full circle: A revolutionary green technology from the heart of Switzerland.

Project Overview

DePoly’s groundbreaking technology has been proven to increase recycling yield up to 99% for all forms of PET plastics, without any sorting or preparation — all at room temperature.
Their ambition is to finally move the recycling industry away from a mostly linear waste management strategy. Drastically decreasing the number of landfills and incinerator emissions, scaling DePoly’s proven technology is the foundation for sustainable full-circle recycling.


The recycling industry has been around the marketing circuit for decades, which meant that breaking away from the standardized messaging was both difficult and dangerous.
But, since we were going to do it anyway, our main challenge was to find the perfect ratio of unique and familiar. This balance was crucial for communicating the prospects of DePoly’s technology, as overstating its novelty could be a major detriment to potential investors.


Elevate the client’s brand to the level of their technology, focusing on its impact — not its novelty.
Our approach was founded on designing the correct visual and narrative balance between “technologically advanced” and “familiarly approachable.” This balance would allow DePoly to stand out in their industry while still being a part of it, while calling attention to the devastating environmental impact of modern recycling practices — without taking a judgmental stance.


Avoid branding cliches associated with the recycling industry, such as curved lines, arrows, vivid colors.
Create a style of visual expression, such that so that the visuals alone can embody the clean and sophisticated character that embodies the client’s mission and approach.
Elevate the idea and technology behind enhanced recycling by educating the user, emphasizing it in contrast to current industry practices that damage the environment (problem - solution).
Create an authentic story creatively depicting DePoly’s technology in a way that’s easy to comprehend and does not require expertise in their field.
Establish branding and website aesthetics that integrate a sense of confidence and trust toward DePoly and their technology.
Focus on elegance in design, reflecting DePoly’s mission and confidence, so that it resonates with in the main CTA (ordering a sample for independent laboratory evaluation of the effectiveness of their new technology).


$13.8M Seed round funding.
+102% New website users
+130% Website organic traffic
+30% Website sessions/day
+34% LinkedIn (main channel): new followers/day
+76% Branded traffic share

Detailed: [CASE STUDY]

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Posted Aug 20, 2024

DePoly’s groundbreaking recycling technology comes full circle: creating a sustainable circular economy for PET plastics.






3D Designer

Brand Designer

Web Designer

Cinema 4D



Petar Stojakovic

Brand(&)Web Desig/Dev/3D/Motion Multidisciplinary Creative

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