Script during a School Festival Program

Arvin Kristopher Balagot

Script Writer
Speech Writer
Google Drive
Microsoft Office 365

[Note: The following is a generic script for a school festival program. Adjustments should be made to fit the specific theme, activities, and traditions of your school's festival.]

Host 1 (H1): Good [morning/afternoon/evening], ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls! Welcome to the annual [School Name] Festival! I’m [Host 1’s Name], and alongside me is the ever-charismatic [Host 2’s Name].

Host 2 (H2): Thank you, [Host 1’s Name]! We are thrilled to see such a fantastic turnout today. Our school grounds have transformed into a vibrant hub of excitement, creativity, and community spirit.

H1: That's right, [Host 2’s Name]. Today is all about celebration! We have an incredible lineup of performances, games, food stalls, and exhibitions that showcase the talents and hard work of our students.

H2: And let's not forget the tireless efforts of our teachers and parent volunteers who have made this day possible. A big round of applause for them, please!


H1: To kick things off, we have a special treat. Please put your hands together for the [School Name] Marching Band as they lead us in our opening parade!

[Marching Band performs]

H2: Wow, what an electrifying performance! Thank you to our talented musicians. Now, it's time to officially open the festival. Please welcome our esteemed Principal, [Principal’s Name], to say a few words.

[Principal gives opening remarks]

H1: Thank you, [Principal’s Name], for those inspiring words. Without further ado, let's dive into the festivities. First up on our main stage is the Drama Club with their rendition of “[Play/Performance Title].”

[Drama Club performs]

H2: What an outstanding performance! Next up, we invite you to explore the art exhibit in the gymnasium featuring student artwork from all grades.

H1: Don't forget to check out the science fair in the library where our young scientists are eager to demonstrate their innovative projects.

H2: And if you're feeling hungry, make your way to the food court where you'll find a delicious array of international cuisines prepared by our very own culinary club.

H1: For those looking for some action-packed fun, head over to the sports field where various athletic competitions are about to begin.

H2: As we continue with today's program, remember that each ticket purchase at game booths and food stalls goes towards supporting our school's initiatives. So have fun and contribute to a great cause!

[Various activities continue]

H1: As we approach the end of this wonderful day, we'd like to invite everyone back to the main stage for our final event—the much-anticipated talent show featuring acts from students across all grades!

[Talent show performances]

H2: What an array of talent we've witnessed tonight! Now it's time for one last hurrah. Please join us in counting down to the grand finale fireworks display!

[Countdown and fireworks display]

H1: What a spectacular sight! On behalf of [School Name], we want to thank each and every one of you for joining us at this year's festival.

H2: Your energy and enthusiasm have made this event truly unforgettable. We hope you've enjoyed it as much as we did hosting it.

H1 & H2 Together: Until next year…

Both Hosts: Goodbye and good night!

[Music plays as crowd begins to disperse]

Remember that this script serves as a template; feel free to add specific details about performers or attractions unique to your school festival. Engage with your audience throughout the event by being spontaneous and responsive to their energy levels.

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