"Historyland - Fantasyland: Into the Storybook" | Video Editor

Madeline Lopez


Graphic Designer

Social Media Manager

Visual Artist

Adobe After Effects

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Premiere Pro

Google Drive

Screen-cap from "Historyland: Into the Storybook"
Screen-cap from "Historyland: Into the Storybook"

The Process

As the lead video editor and visual artist on the series "Historyland" on the (now defunct) YouTube Channel "Mountaineer Productions", I was in charge of editing each video, and mixing the audio to convey the story and emotions of each episode topic.
You can view the full sizzle reel of the episode "Fantasyland: Into the Storybook" HERE.
Screen-cap from "Historyland: Into the Storybook"
Screen-cap from "Historyland: Into the Storybook"
When brainstorming the intro for this episode, I knew the visuals had to be top notch, since the ambition of the story to tell was so high. My favorite parts include compositing faux "widescreen" effects for the classic animated Disney movie clips shown during the intro. This was done with some Photoshop trickery and lots of patience with After Effects to track the new art to the footage. The final result shows the movie clips filling out the entire aspect ratio, instead of the 3:4 aspect ratio used in the original films.
Screen-cap from "Historyland: Into the Storybook"
Screen-cap from "Historyland: Into the Storybook"
The sound mixing features surround sound to help immerse the viewer in the visuals, most notably appearing in the beginning intro, where the viewers are sucked into the Storybook, and taking a visual/audio tour through Fantasyland in the 1960s. The end result being a must listen with headphones on so you get the full experience.
Map Animation Sequence from "Historyland: Into the Storybook"
My love of Disney Parks memorabilia carries over strongly into the videos I create. One of my favorite things to do in videos like these are to take vintage maps of Disneyland and animate them. This process involves painstakingly cutting out each individual asset from the original map in Photoshop, and then moving everything to After Effects to properly keyframe and animate the sequence. The work is tremendous, but I think the final outcome is worth the hassle.

You can vide the full sizzle reel of the episode "Fantasyland: Into the Storybook" HERE.

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Posted Nov 28, 2021






Mountaineer Productions


Graphic Designer

Social Media Manager

Visual Artist

Adobe After Effects

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Premiere Pro

Google Drive

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