Adobe : Acrobat Global Marketing Campaign

Ashley Vong

Art Director
Graphic Designer
Visual System Designer
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe XD

Project Overview

A city’s football club experiences a surprising uproar of success, sparking a rush for fan merchandise that quickly outpaces their stock. To meet the growing demand, the club’s marketing team adopts Adobe Sign, enabling a fast digital transformation. This shift allows them to rapidly roll out new products, filling the streets with fans proudly sporting the team’s colors.
Hero video (shot and produced by 72andSunny)
The project included a full hero video, a staged photoshoot, and the creation of paid banner ads, email marketing, and multiple landing pages.
Photoshoot Selects
Photoshoot Selects
Multiple landing pages + takeover page
Multiple landing pages + takeover page
Banner Ads
Banner Ads
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