Receipt management app for customers and store-owners

Godswill Ukpong


Mobile Designer

UX Designer

UI Designer


This was a concept project as an entry into a weekly UI challenge by the RoadTrip community.

the brief.

Design a receipt management app that will store all user receipts and bills in a single place so that they no longer have to manage each receipt manually. It will also have the option for stores to send your receipts directly to your mobile app.

the problem.

Christie needs an easier way to manage her bills and receipts without losing them so she can keep track of her spending efficiently.

provisional persona.

Christie is a regular shopper, who always loses her bills and receipts making it hard for her to keep track of her expenses.

my UI solution.

I followed broad rules of thumb for usability using Jakob Nielsen's 10 general principles for interaction design. While designing, I considered best practices by applying some basic laws of UX. I solved Christie’s problems in the following ways;


Simple and intuitive with a list of the bills Christie has to pay. Here, she can easily track her bills and get notified when there’s any activity.

Home/Filter bills

Bills or receipts can be easily filtered with ‘pills’ at the top of the page. This helps Christie filter her list into unpaid, processing and bills.

Home/Receipts list

This page shows Christie a snippet of her receipt without opening it in full. She can quickly see the details of a receipt while scanning others without leaving the page.

Home/Advance filter and sort

Christie can further filter her receipts and sort them to find specific items. It has been designed for easy navigation when the user is in a state of flow.


A clean and intuitive layout for the bills page. Sections are grouped using Gestalt’s principle while cascading information in a manner suitable to Christie. Remember Christie? Our star user.


The twin sister to the bills. I tried to make it look like the real thing, as it relates to Christie’s mental model.


A simple wallet that’s no different from common fintech applications.
Like this project

A receipt management app that stores customers' receipts and bills in a single place so that they no longer have to manage each receipt manually.






Mobile Designer

UX Designer

UI Designer


Godswill Ukpong

Product Designer: people-copy-design-code-revenue

Kakar: A SaaS productivity tool that helps teams get stuff done.
Kakar: A SaaS productivity tool that helps teams get stuff done.
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