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Saman Gunawardana


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What is Motivation,
is the psychological feature that arouses an organism to action toward a desired goal and elicits, controls, and sustains certain goal directed behaviors. For instance: An individual has not eaten, he or she feels hungry, and as a response he or she eats and diminishes feelings of hunger. There are many approaches to motivation: physiological, behavioural, cognitive, and social.
As the needs of the employees are also fulfilled by doing such works, they perform them satisfactorily. Normally, when the employees performs their work with satisfactory, production increases. However, while attaining organizational goals, employees must be
Motivation may be rooted in a basic need to minimize physical pain and maximize pleasure, or it may include specific needs such as eating and resting, or for a desired object. Conceptually, motivation is related to, but distinct from,
Internal andthat stimulate desire andin people to be continually interested and committed to a,or subject, or to make an effort to attain as, employees must be given the chance to attain their own goals also.
Motivationfrom the interaction of both conscious and unconscioussuch as the
These factors are the reasons one has for behaving a certain way. An example is a student thatextra time studying for a because he or shea betterin the
The study of motivation is concerned basically with why people behave in a certain way. We can describe motivation as the direction and the persistence of action.
In theories of motivation, Mitchell identifies four common characteristics,
Every person is unique and all the major theories of motivation allow for this uniqueness to be demonstrated in one way or another.
Motivation is assumed to be under individual control, and behaviours such as effort expended that are influenced by motivation, are seen as choices of action.
The two factors of great importance are,
Motivation is not the behavior itself and it is not performance. Motivation is concerned with action and the internal and external forces, which influence a person’s choice of action.
Also we can give few definitions about the motivation,
Three main elements can be identified in this process in motivation they are,
Human motives
A number of human motives such as love, anger, desires etc. can be identified by analyzing mental activities of people.
Any factor that result a motive to be activated is called motivator.
Expected behavior
Thisis to direct behavior in some expected directions through motives activated by the use of a motivator. In a motivational programme the most important point to be decided first is the expected behavior. So, when leadership selects a motivator it is important to remember that it can direct the motives towards expected behavior.
Satisfied needs 
Search behaviour
Reduction of tension 
According to the above diagram, we can understand that an unsatisfied need creates tension, which stimulates drives within the individual. These drives generate a search behaviour to find particular goals, which if attained will satisfy the need and lead to the reduction of tension. Thus motivated employees are in a state of tension. In order to relive this tension, they engage themselves in activity. The greater tension the more activity will be needed to bring about relief. Therefore, when we see employees working hard at some activity, we can conclude that they are driven by a desire to achieve some goal they value.
How to motivate people
Approaches to Motivation at work
If a manager wants to motivate his staff, first he has to identify their needs. We can get some idea about human needs by studying some of the approaches to motivation.
Employees have various needs and expectations. These needs and expectations can be categorized in a number of ways such as psychological and social, or intrinsic and extrinsic.
We can see changing concept of motivation
Workers would be motivated if they receive the highest possible wages while working in the most efficient and productive way. The workers wanted from their employers was higher wages more that anything else. This approach is called the rational economic concept of motivation.
People go to work to satisfy a range of different needs. They emphasized the importance of ‘social needs’ of individuals at work, and gave recognition stressed the need to recognize work organization as a social organization.
The major focus of concern however was the personal adjustment of the individual to the work situation. This approach called the self actualization concept of motivation
The varying situational factors together with the complicated nature of human behavior are key factors of the complex person concept of motivation.
Key objectives of motivation
Importance and advantages of motivation
How to identify demotivation in an organization
Theories of Motivation
We can categorize theories of motivation to two major types,
Maslow’s theory of motivation
According this theory, there are few levels of needs. People fulfill their needs from the lowest level to the highest level. The needs hierarchy can be shown as follows,
 Physiological need
People try to satisfy their basic needs for Foods, shelter and clothing. The fulfillment of these needs requires, in an industrial society, money. So, here money has the capability to serve as the means to fulfill these needs. If an employee is paid a salary that can maintain his/her standard of living. Because of that person will be motivated to continue that employment.
Safety needs
When people get their basic needs fulfilled, suppose the employees are waiting for conformation in their job or they are waiting for a pension scheme. By introducing pension schemes and by other projects for labour safety
Employees expect love and affection among peer group as well as superior. If a manager comes to know that such a need is prevailing away the employees of his organization he can us one of the following strategies,
Esteem needs
People next seek esteem, recognition, popularity, and status. Here they can be motivated by providing positional status, appreciating their work giving awards etc.
Self actualization needs
In short this is the need to achieve ‘self fulfillment’. A manager can motivate his employees by identifying their needs and providing opportunities to satisfy them.
Herzberg’s two factor theory of motivation
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory
Herzberg’s two factory theory
Hygiene factors
Self actualization
If hygiene factors are absent, it will cause dissatisfaction. These factors are related to job context and they are concerned with job environment and extrinsic to the job it self. These factors are therefore called ‘hygiene’ factors or ‘maintenance’ factors.
The other set of factors, which have been named motivators are those, which, if present, serve to motivate an individual to superior effort and high level of performance. These factors are related to job content of the work itself.
Alder’s modified needs hierarchy theory
This theory presented by Alderfer, condenses maslow’s five levels of needs into three levels, namely the core needs of Existence (E), Relatedness (R), and Growth (G).
Existence needs
Relatedness needs
Growth needs
McClelland’s achievement motivation theory
They identified three main arousal based, and socially developed, motives as follows
Needs of affiliation
Needs for power
Needs for achievements
McClelland find following three common thing among people
They like situation in which they can assume personal responsibility for solving problems.
If the task is too difficult or risky, it would reduce the chances of success and of gaining need satisfaction. If the course of action is too easy or too safe, there is little challenge in accomplishing the task and only little satisfaction is from the success.
They want clear the unambiguous feedback on how well they are performing. Knowledge results within a reasonable time are necessary for self evaluation.
According to the above theory all specialist saying same, it is as an employer we want to satisfy our co workers to do that we want to motivate our people because of that I AGREE with the statement. Because if we can motivate our co workers we can solve organization problems and achieve organizational goals.
A person’s attitude towards life, in general, would determine his attitude towards his/her job. Generally, people with a negative attitude about life, always complain about everything, including the job. Accordingly, in addition to providing a healthy work environment, management must ensure that the employee is happy and has a positive outlook towards life. Job satisfaction is a subset of attitudes. We can explore both the nature of attitude and its relation to job satisfaction.
Definition of Attitude
Attitudes are beliefs and feelings people have about specific ideas, situations or other people. We can define an attitude as the effective orientation towards a particular attitude object. Attitudes are towards some attitude object.
A person with a good attitude looks at everything in a positive way, giving everyone the benefit of a doubt, always in a good mood, smile a lot. They are a joy to be around.
A bad attitude usually means the person is negative, a downer, everything’s bad, nothing is going to turn out good, someone you do not want to be around; sometimes this attitude rubs off on other people which you do not want to happen to you and yours.
But in real life it has a way more meaning than that, its is the way we present ourself in front of the world, it is that behaviour from our end that creates an image of our on other's mind, attitude makes other people judge you in a good way or maybe in a bad way, Its how we behave with others, how soft can we be and how tough can we be in different situations. Basically attitude is a birth
of a person and cannot be changed or altered so easily, the attitude of a person makes his identity among the society.
Attitude can be correlated with pride at times but both are different, pride is a part of attitude but attitude is not a part of it. Its how you respond to other's behaviour, maybe good or bad, how you behave in different situations, how friendly we are and how you protect yourself in this day to day life.
Attitude shows confidence of one person, it proves how matured we are mentally and how open minded are we. We might have heard people saying at times, "this boy/girl has lots of attitude", it means that, that boy/girl has a negative energy coming out of their attitude which is not liked by most of the people around them, on the other hand if we are friendly and a matured person who analyse things before giving any comment and judgment, who listen a lot rather than keeping talking and on trying to prove your point to others all the time, then we are considered to be a positive attitude carrying person and that's what needed in today's world.
Attitude shape the way people respond to events and other people.
One way have positive attitude and be full of enthusiasm and excitement, while the other way have a negative attitude and be terrified at the thought of doing the presentation. These attitudes determined their feelings, thoughts and behavior.
There are three parts of attitudes,
A person who works very hard obviously believes that it is a good thing to do he may think it will help him to get a promotion.
A manager who believes strongly that every one should work hard may consider subordinates lazy if they go home at the scheduled time instead of doing voluntary overtime work every evening.
When people are treated well by their supervisor, they are likely to develop positive attitude towards the management and the organization.
If they are well motivated, they will be loyal to be organization and work hard. They will need less supervision and be likely to come into conflict with the management.
The nature of attitude change starts from oneself on how a person can express his feeling. There were times man is so confius on what is going on the things surrounds him and that's the time he let his inner self come out.
On how he interact, how he relates himself, on how he may overcome the situation.Attitudes are composed from various forms of judgments. Attitudes develop on the ABC model (affect, behavioral change and cognition). The affective response is a physiological response that expresses an individual's preference for an entity. The behavioral intention is a verbal indication of the intention of an individual. The cognitive response is a cognitive evaluation of the entity to form an attitude. Most attitudes in individuals are a result of observational learning from their environment.
It all starts with
 a positive
is a priceless possession for personal fulfillment and career success. It is also an essential element for creating a positive workplace. It’s what really matters.
When we think about the basics elements of human relationships, we think primarily about the attitude we each bring to relationships, whether they are personal or professional in nature. What is the first thing we remember about someone we meet? Chances are it’s their attitude.
The attitude we bring with others everyday will significantly affect what we can see, what we can do, and how you feel about it. We all know what a positive attitude sounds like, but how can we define it?
Simply stated, it as the way we look at things mentally, our mental focus on the world. It’s never static; it’s always in flux the result of an on going process that’s dynamic and sensitive to what’s going on. Events, circumstances, and messages both positive and negative can affect our attitude. A positive attitude can be infectious
Let’s face it no one can be positive all of the time, what we do know is that a positive attitude makes problem solving easier and the more our expect from a situation, the more success we will achieve the High Expectancy Success Theory.
Nowhere is our positive attitude more appreciated by others than when we are at work. How does a positive attitude about diversity impact the world of business? A major change had taken place in recent years in the workforce: the generational and cultural mix of employees has become more diversified. The performance standards are the same, but the workforce mix is different. Business is complex and competitive with comparable resources, including people. People with a positive attitude are looking up and forward and are more likely to work to higher standards of quality, safety, and 
individually and as a team. Working near a person with a
positive attitude is an energizing experience; he/she can change the tone and morale of the department and make others feel more upbeat. Sometimes the reason people lack a positive attitude is simply that they don’t realize that they have a negative one!
A positive workplace is about the people and their positive outlook about their work and the organization that make the business thrive. The war for talent exists. Do we want to hire and retain people with positive or negative attitudes? The answer is obvious hire for attitude, the mechanics of the job can be taught. A company gets its edge from the attitude of its people its leaders, its supervisors, front line, back office, entry level and long term employees. Employees want to feel valued and appreciated and will most likely be more engaged and stay with an organization, as a result. The higher the engagement levels, the more their attitude barometer rises. The higher the attitude barometer rises, the more business results improve.
Building and maintaining healthy, effective relationships in all directions with people our work for, people we work with, and people who work for us is a key to success. Business is a team sport, that’s a given. Nothing contributes more to the process of building effective work relationships than a positive attitude. More business successes are won on attitude than technical achievement. A supervisor who demonstrates and knows how to build a positive attitude can lead a departmental workforce with only average experience and skills to achieve high
and successful performance. It’s called “teamwork” and it happens often
It’s important to remember that we all have a choice to be either positive or negative in any situation and we make those choices every day. By keeping our power and being aware of our own attitude and choices, we can protect ourselves from external circumstances and people’s negativity. Safeguard our attitude by solving personal conflicts quickly, taking the “high road” if someone behaves unreasonably or unfairly, insulating or distancing our self from a person with whom you have a repeated conflict, focusing on the work and changing your traffic pattern to avoid people who pull your attitude down. Remember, our attitude belongs to you and you alone
Be open to new people, ideas and processes that create positive changes and improved bottom line results. The business world consists of many people who are different from us. We’re dependent on each other to achieve common goals. We need to understand and work effectively with all the labor resources. Opportunities for us to learn about other generations, backgrounds and cultures broaden our perspective with new ideas, talents, and points of view it all affects bottom-line results.A word of caution don’t go overboard by becoming a noisy cheerleader who spends more effort on projecting your attitude than nurturing it. Above all, don’t try to be someone you we not Be who we are.
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Posted Dec 28, 2023

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Human Resources Manager

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