A MVP au pair marketplace in South Africa

Ruben de Villiers


Automation Engineer

Low-Code/No-Code Developer

Software Engineer





A young 24 old female founder that would like to make life easier for au pairs and families to connect.


Most families and au pairs have to turn to social media platforms or outdated products to connect. The platforms idea is to assist families to see the correct information upfront and have the ability to contact quality pre-vetted au pairs.


A platform that is mobile friendly up until the MVP building enough traction to invest in a mobile app as well, allowing families to easily scroll through profiles whilst watching TV.
A platform that is simple and clear reducing as much friction for the au pair and the family.
Simple enough for the founder to change flows like emails and messaging if the need arises without dev.


Because this is a MVP and the founder does not have a massive budget, I presented a solution utilising Make for easily automating and email integration without dev, firebase for overall infrastructure and database and Svelte for faster and Frontend development.
The MVP has reduces functionality to first start building traction with users and getting a feedback loop going.

Available functionality as of August 2024.

Users are able to sign up as a au pair or a family.
Au pairs / babysitters can create a profile, this is sent to Slack for curation and review, before a profile can go live.
Families can sign up and view profiles. If they wish to view a profile they can pay a fee to get access to the references and contact information of the au pair.
Automation integrations:
Slack for overall view what's happening in the platform and curation.
SendGrid for sending automated emails to users
Make to facilitate the integration
HubSpot for CRM management of the families signing up. This is earlier integration to just store information for now.
Mixpanel for user tracking through the platform.
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Posted Aug 5, 2024

A mvp marketplace built with Svelte and Firebase to help families find suitable au pairs in their town. Utilising Make for automation and simple integration.






Automation Engineer

Low-Code/No-Code Developer

Software Engineer




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