Barnes and Noble College Inventory Database

Madison Smith

Executive Assistant
Cost Estimation
Quantity Estimation
Microsoft Excel
Barnes & Noble College
In December 2018, I was assigned to create an inventory database for Barnes and Noble College Bookstores. The purpose of this database was to record inventory and sales of various textbooks.
Quartiles and Sales(Left Side of Spreadsheet)
Summary Statistics(Right Side of Spreadsheet)
Criteria Intro Intro-General
Total Sales  $ 17,876,251.00 0
Average Sales  $ 1,489,687.58  $ 2,239,709.60
Number of Sales 12 5
Formulas Used in Database
Quartile. Execution(Quartile.exc): To collect exact value of sales each quarter for the textbooks purchased by college student, professors or parents of the college student.
Add/Sum: To collect sales- wholesale and sales- retail values added together.
Average if(averageif): To collect average textbook sales by the subject and true value.
Sum If(sumif): To collect sales value by discipline and the total sales for each title.
Rank Average(rank.average): To collect the book rank by the number of sales.
Count If(countif): To organize textbooks by titles and subject areas.
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