Project Management-Waterfall Method

Madison Smith


Project Manager

Microsoft PowerPoint

Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Word

Waterfall method to address the Nursing shortage in New Jersey by enrolling students in the collaborative nursing program between Union County College and Trinitas Regional Medical Center's nursing school.
Requirements to complete project with student enrollment
Recruit students to apply to Union County College and Trinitas Nursing School
Invite students to attend information session via zoom for Trinitas Nursing School within 12 months of application
Complete the TEAS entrance exam prior to enrollment with a 55 or better
Complete registration requirements
Enroll in co-requisites for high school classes if not on your transcript from high school and/or college: Algebra 1, Biology 1,Chemistry 1
If no high school co-requisites are needed, enroll students in the appropriate co-requisites per semester with the assigned nursing courses.
Each semester, students are getting closer to being ready to reduce the nursing shortage in New Jersey.
Cohort year: 2023
Semester 1(January 2021)
Objective: Getting students used to Union College and Trinitas School of Nursing
·        NURE 130(4 credits)- Nursing Trends
·        ENG 101(3 credits)- English Composition 1
·        BIO 105(4 credits)- Anatomy and Physiology 1
·        CHE 114(4 credits)- Chemistry
·        Total credits: 15
Semester 2(May 2021)
Objective: Introducing students to their first clinical and resuming the next round of co-requisites for the generic nursing program
·        NURE 131(8 credits)- Nursing 1
·        BIO 106(4 credits)- Anatomy and Physiology 2
·        PSY 101(3 credits)- General Psychology
·        Total credits: 15
Semester 3 (September 2021)
Objective: Students completing their second clinical and completing the co-requisites of Microbiology and Lifespan Development
·        NURE 132(8 credits)- Nursing 2
·        BIO 108(4 credits)- Mircobiology
·        PSY 204(3 credits)-Lifespan Development
·        Total credits: 15
Semester 4(January 2022)
Objective: Students completing their third clinical and completing the co-requisites of English Composition 2 and Sociology
·        NURE 231(8 credits)-Nursing 3
·        ENG 102(3 credits)- English Composition 2
·        SOC 101(3 credits)- Intro to Sociology
·        Total credits: 14
Semester 5(September 2022)
Objective: Students completing their fourth and final clinical and completing the remaining six credits of humanities requirements
·        NURE 232(8 credits)- Nursing 4
·        Humanities electives(6 credits)
·        Total credits: 14
Signs cohort is completed with program
·        All credits required for union county college and Trinitas nursing school are completed in 2.5 years
·        Passing the NCLEX Exam
·        Seeking employment as an RN within 12 months of graduation
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Posted Apr 1, 2023

Waterfall project management methodology was used to support the collaborative approach to reduce the nursing shortage in New Jersey within 2.5 years.






Project Manager

Microsoft PowerPoint

Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Word

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