10 Scariest things said by NASA Astronauts.

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10 Scariest things said by NASA Astronauts. (Youtube Channel Copy)
NASA astronauts are renowned for their daring devilry and bravery while journeying into the unknown areas of space. However, even these brave folks have experienced panic attacks and scary moments while on missions.
Even though most of their experiences are, by NASA standards, kept under wraps, some revelations often come to light that could scare anyone off their skin.
What creepy situations have these space travelers found themselves in? Have they witnessed some things that defy explanation?
Join us as we examine the scariest things said by NASA astronauts.
Number Eleven: Apollo 10
Let's start with a strange radio blackout during the Apollo 10 mission. Astronauts John Young, Thomas Stafford, and Eugene Andrew Cernan described the blackout as the most terrifying experience of their lives.
John Young is an American astronaut, naval officer, aviator, test pilot, and aeronautical engineer. Thomas Stafford is an American former Air Force officer, test pilot, and NASA astronaut. Eugene Andrew Cernan is an American astronaut, naval aviator, electrical engineer, aeronautical engineer, and fighter pilot.
This blackout occurred in 1969 during Snoopy's preflight training for the historic Apollo 11 lunar landing mission. The primary aim of Eugene Cernan's Snoopy was to fly close to the Moon's surface without hitting it. Snoopy suffered through a nearly hour-long blackout and lost all radio communications as soon as it lost sight of Earth and began its risky journey around the Moon. The astronauts were alone and couldn't communicate with others throughout this time. That was most likely their most alone time ever.
Even though Snoopy made it to the end of its journey and returned to Earth, you could tell that the astronauts experienced something scary. For Eugene Cernan, he was still in shock throughout the period and described it as the most bizarre and unsettling thing he had ever encountered.
It was the longest hour of his life because he couldn't see the Earth or communicate. Ceman, on the other hand, felt nothing except stillness, darkness, and anxiety inside the spaceship.
At that time, all that separated them from absolute nothingness was a few inches of aluminum. The fact that no one has been able to determine why the radio signals went dead for decades makes this mission to the Moon even more terrifying.
Some believe NASA purposely shut off communication to hide data since the crew encountered something unknown. However, others believe it had to do with the Moon itself, as it may have absorbed or reflected the radio signals.
Naturally, there isn't any proof that it did. But given how weak the Moon's magnetic field is, the possibility that the Moon caused the blackout is also implausible.
According to Thomas Stafford, the commander of the Apollo 10 Mission, it was the loneliest human experience. Even though Stafford completed the mission like Cernan, he mentioned that maintaining reality awareness was the hardest part.
His mind was too overwhelmed by the sensation of being alone in space, and it kept wandering. Every time he tried to concentrate on the tasks at hand, the awareness that they were all alone would dawn on him.
What they said was very worrisome because the crew may have lost their composure if the blackout had continued for a few more hours. This would have resulted in a mission failure and casualties.
What's more baffling is that the astronauts heard an odd whistling noise like it was coming from the radio the entire time, even though they weren't communicating with mission control.
Eugene Cernan said it was a weird outer space kind of sound, and at some point, they weren't even sure if it was real or not.
Buzz Aldrin, a former astronaut, engineer, and fighter pilot, and Neil Armstrong, an American astronaut and aeronautical engineer, were exploring the Moon's surface at that time. Armstrong made history in 1969 by becoming the first person to walk on the Moon.
Number Ten: Apollo 11
Pilot Michael Collins also noticed the odd whistling sound. Michael Collins was the pilot of the Apollo 11 mission, which in 1969 took humans to the Moon for the first time.
Collins made an equally significant contribution to the journey as his crewmates Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, even though he never gained much attention. Collins flew the Columbia command module, spending nearly 28 hours in orbit alone while his coworkers, Armstrong and Aldrin, descended to the Moon's surface.
Fortunately, Collins had earlier heard the explanation that the weird sound was probably radio interference, so he wasn't too worried. But Alfred Merrill Worden, an American test pilot, engineer, and NASA astronaut disagreed with the radio interference idea. He thought the whistling noise was from outside the spaceship.
So, some astronauts heard the same odd sounds, too, and they all concluded that it wasn't an ordinary radio issue. The deafening silence of space is scary enough, but the fact that astronauts reported hearing a similar sound every single time is terrifying.
But what caused those sounds is still a mystery to date.
Number Nine: Maurice Henderson
Maurice Henderson, who was a senior NASA employee, said he was sure that aliens were here observing us and had always been on Earth since he was aware of so many occurrences and encounters involving them over his active years.
After retiring, Henderson wrote several books, mostly addressing the impact of alien influences on the development of human civilization and maybe even the human race.
In one of his works, he further said that astronauts Armstrong and Aldrin were hovered over by two UFOs in restricted NASA film footage during their historic first lunar landing. Henderson verified several images that had appeared in People Magazine in June 1975, only minutes after Neil Armstrong had set foot on the Moon.
In addition, Neil Armstrong delivered this radio transmission, which is attributed to the Apollo 11 Moon landing. Armstrong remarked on the presence of other spacecraft on the Moon. He said, "Oh God, you wouldn't believe it. I’m telling you there are other spacecraft here, and they've now gathered at the other end of the crater and are watching us."
Even now, NASA disputes these reports regarding the Moon landing and claims that Maurice Henderson was an ineffective engineer working for a subcontractor and never affiliated with the agency.
However, Henderson believed that it was aliens all along. What he mentioned regarding the Apollo lunar flights was terrifying. Following his retirement, he asserts that there was a lot of extraterrestrial activity during the Apollo 11 mission.
He added that NASA even suppressed Neil Armstrong's statement. There were some pictures in magazines as well that showed two UFOs hovering while the first humans set foot on the Moon.
To this day, NASA denies Henderson's terrifying claims and even issued a statement saying he was never even part of the Apollo missions. That may be why NASA has avoided going to the Moon for the longest time.
Number Eight: Extraterrestrial Life
Speaking of strange alien spacecraft, what Gordon Cooper saw was perhaps one of the most extraordinary and terrifying UFO sightings of all time.
Gordon Cooper was an American aerospace engineer, test pilot, and United States Air Force pilot who piloted the Gemini 5 and the Mercury 9. He claimed to have seen an outstanding green UFO fly just next to his capsule in 1963.
He kept reporting to Mission Control how the ship would emerge and then vanish for a little while, only to zoom directly toward him and finally slow down next to his capsule.
Gordon Cooper claimed to have had a clear view of the ship for over ten minutes. Even when he descended to a lower altitude, the UFO continued to follow him until speeding off into deep space at an unimaginable speed.
Cooper's theory on alien life has drawn criticism from several prominent scientific groups. The terrifying thing about the 1963 event is that the UFO was even detected by radar, leaving everyone puzzled and without explanation. Subsequently, he disclosed that NASA has a rigorous policy on discussing UFOs and aliens.
It is that simple. If you are an astronaut and accidentally see something horrible, you cannot discuss it. However, Cooper was fortunate since this wasn't his first encounter with a UFO.
Cooper claimed to have seen a complete fleet of alien ships directly in front of him while serving as an Air Force pilot. In 1984, during an interview with NBC News, he said people were conceited if they believed they were the only sentient species in the cosmos. "I think if we look properly, we'd probably find evidence of alien life in this solar system."
Cooper stated on the Larry King program in 2001 that alien vehicles and their personnel from other worlds have been visiting Earth for ages. To this day, he has been criticized for his disturbing theories about extraterrestrial life, which may explain why they have always been viewed with mistrust.
Number Seven: Dr. Franklin Musgrave’s Story
Dr. Franklin Musgrave, considered by experts to be the professor in space, holds a unique status. He went on six space missions, the most notable one being Apollo 15.
Dr. Musgrave, who holds university degrees in six different fields, made an odd revelation. He saw a white flap, about three meters long, drifting across space outside the Space Shuttle's windows.
When he returned, NASA said it was probably a component that broke off from the rocket or Space Capsule. Musgrave, however, disagreed with this interpretation, especially after seeing the same thing again. It was much bigger this time and looked like a snake, measuring between six and eight meters.
However, referring to snakes as extraterrestrial life just increases the controversy and fright around people. Perhaps they are merely organisms similar to us, formed in space by a mix of proteins and amino acids. Or, whatever they may be, that's Dr. Musgrave's opinion.
Known as the "professor of space," he is arguably the most learned person to have visited the space. However, his remarks regarding snakes and extraterrestrial societies were horrifying.
Dr. Musgrave stated that he saw space snakes twice during his travels. However, he is still unable to identify the objects that he saw, stating that their skin has a texture like rubber. Even more terrifying is his story that the snakes tracked his plane for hours before eventually crawling into the night.
Unbelievably, images of snake-like organisms were taken during the NASA STS 61 Mission. Although Dr. Musgrave believes it to be a living thing, some ideas suggest it may be some kind of advanced extraterrestrial spaceship explicitly designed for space travel. But odd and terrifying creatures abound in space.
Following his tenure at NASA, Dr. Musgrave stated in several interviews and reports that these encounters were proof of alien life. He claims that these civilizations, which have been on Earth for at least 100 million years, are significantly more developed than ours.
However, he proved little chance of success, as he continued his research by attempting to speak with these aliens and inviting them to come get him. Even if that seems incredible, it just highlights the fact that some of the most seasoned astronauts believe in alien life.
Number Six: Yang Liwei
As we have already demonstrated, there is reportedly no direct sound transmission in space. Astronauts who have traveled to space may attest to this. Astronauts need support from technology to communicate, even on the International Space Station (ISS).
They need to use special radios and headphones to make their voices heard in the vacuum space.
Direct speech input of these voice signals is required for the Transformer to translate the speech into an electrical code and output it as audible sound on the other end. An astronaut's voice disappears into nothing when he is too far away from the intercom.
How is it possible that Yang Liwei, a Chinese astronaut, heard it? He heard what sounded like someone hammering a wooden bucket on an iron when he launched into space in 2005.
Yang Liwei reported hearing a knock coming from outside the craft. It was much like that strange whistling sound heard by the crew of Apollo 10, 11, and 15. But since they all had radio equipment on, the theory of it being nothing but interference is plausible.
However, given that there is just a vacuum in Yang's scenario, how could he hear sound emanating from outside the craft? Even though sound cannot travel across space, Liwei claims to have heard something that sounded like someone tapping the spaceship's body or an iron bucket with a wooden hammer.
The thought of being in space by yourself, with billions of miles of darkness around you, and then hearing someone or anything knock on your spaceship has to be the most terrifying thing ever.
Furthermore, Mr. Yang claimed to have heard the sound more than once and that it was just present at one moment. It seemed to be a strange pounding sound that occurred at strange intervals rather than emanating from within or outside the vessel.
But things only get scarier from here. Six more Chinese astronauts claimed to have heard the same banging sound that Yang Liwei had described between 2005 and 2008. Not only was it unusual, but no one can explain that sound.
Number Five: Chris Hadfield
An American Government study on unexplained aerial occurrences was preceded by a statement by Canadian astronaut and former fighter pilot Chris Hadfield, who was commander of the International Space Station. He said, "I've seen countless things in the sky that I don't understand."
Hadfield, nevertheless, issued a warning against jumping to the conclusion that these encounters include aliens or UFOs. He considered such judgments to be rash, if not ridiculous.
He was confident that there was alien life out there. He also argued that the hunt for possible extraterrestrial life should be taken more seriously and concentrate on genuine research rather than amusing conjecture.
Number Four: Alan Bean
In 1969, astronaut Alan Bean participated in the second mission to the Moon. He flew as a Helmsman on the Apollo 12 mission, which involved landing capsule operations on an Earth satellite.
The primary goal of Bean's lunar trip was to construct research facilities. He completed two spacewalks, which took him over seven hours to achieve.
His operations took him close to seas, including the Ocean of Storms, a large lavaflooded region in Priscellara. The landing site for the Apollo 12 mission was close to the Surveyor III crater. A few hundred meters down the trail, Bean saw a strange sparkling item.
When he revealed his findings, specialists suggested that it may have been optical illusions, reflections, or even persistent mistakes brought on by the peculiar surroundings.
We are familiar with the occurrence of Earth shine or moonlight on Earth. These occur when sunlight reflects off the Earth and onto the Moon, covering the Moon with a thin, diffused layer of light. The Moon's glowing look may also be explained by certain kinds of minerals and rocks that have reflected qualities.
Although they are very uncommon on the Moon, it is possible that Alan Bean saw a large amount of feldspar, which glows or glitters in the presence of sunlight.
Number Three: James McDivitt and Ed White
NASA astronauts Ed White and James McDivitt were part of the Gemini 4 Mission in 1965. During their space mission, they saw something that NASA has since classified as an unidentified flying object.
On June 3, 1965, McDivitt and White, in the Gemini 4 Mission, executed the first-ever U.S. space escape when their space capsule was above Hawaii. They noticed an odd thing. It was cylindrical, radiated dazzling light, and supposedly measured between thirty and forty-five meters.
The object also wobbled or spun somewhat. McDivitt snapped pictures of the strange encounter and reported the event to ground control. The event sparked a great deal of discussion and debate among scientists and the general public.
Some questioned whether it would be ethically and safely acceptable for humans to travel into space when there were unidentified flying objects.
After looking into the occurrence, NASA declared that there was no conclusive explanation for the sighting and closed the inquiry. Therefore, it is unclear if NASA's unidentified objects are spacecraft or objects of alien origin.
NASA still maintains that there are reasonable explanations for most of these cases, despite the numerous reports of seeing these objects and the experiences people have shared.
On the other hand, McDivitt and White interpreted their observation less analytically. The two men could only guess about the rest, but they were certain that what they had witnessed was not of earthly origin. McDivitt stated in one of his several interviews that "it's hard to talk about what is simply incomprehensible."
Number Two: Leroy Chiao
A chemical engineer and retired NASA astronaut, Leroy Chiao led a voyage to the International Space Station (ISS) and completed many space missions. Following his active career at NASA, he took part in congresses where the topics of paranormal activity, UFO sightings, and even extraterrestrial encounters were discussed.
Chiao made a shocking statement in an interview at an event on remarkable events. He stated, "I saw a strange unknown being at the ISS." He claimed that this thing had limbs or tentacles and seemed to be floating and nearly transparent.
Chiao further said that this entity was seated in something that looked like an upside-down ticket and had lights hanging from it. Irrespective of his sightings, NASA never formally validated his claim. NASA has not released an official statement about whether Chiao submitted his observations or if they were looked into in any way.
Number One: Edgar Mitchell
Edgar Mitchell was a famous moonwalker who walked on the Moon during the Apollo 14 mission in 1971 alongside Alan Shepard and Stuart Roosa.
Beyond his famous role as a Navy officer and aviator, test pilot, aeronautical engineer, ufologist, and NASA astronaut, Edgar Mitchell left behind a legacy of his own. In addition to being a hero of the historic Moon landing, Mitchell was certain about the presence of extraterrestrials.
He publicly said that top military authorities had kept UFO evidence under wraps and out of the public domain. Mitchell's belief was influenced by his childhood in New Mexico, near the White Sands testing range operated by the U.S. Army. According to him, he had often seen flying saucers since he was a young boy.
Mitchell went further in an interview, speculating that extraterrestrials used nuclear weapons to save humanity from destroying itself. This statement seemed to express appreciation for these alien powers helping to keep humans alive.
Different interpretations exist about these claims and sightings. Some people might interpret these remarks as clear evidence of alien activity or the presence of unexplained events.
Others may argue that more conclusive evidence is necessary before reaching judgments about such events, or they may offer opportunities for alternate interpretations. Ultimately, how one interprets these findings depends on personal viewpoints and how much credence is placed on eyewitness testimony.
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Posted Sep 7, 2024

NASA astronauts are renowned for their bravery while journeying into the unknown areas of space.








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