Real Pros | A Call Center Company Website

Mohamed Aboueldahab

Frontend Engineer
Software Engineer
Web Developer

A Website That Will Make It Easier to Make Clients! 🚀

The Website's Main Section
The Website's Main Section

Table of Contents 💾:

Project Overview 👀:

What Were The Client's Needs and Goals?

As a call center agency, The client required a website that would showcase their products and prices in a unique and engaging way that aligns with their planetary theme. They also needed a mechanism to collect information from potential clients from different places on the website, enabling them to better understand how far this client reached on the website so they communicate more effectively.


After talking with the client about his target audience, his product, and his vision, We "Collaborating with the Back-End Team" have designed a website that serves his specific needs with an SPA-Next.js website with a page for the pricing plans that design expresses his idea about his unique product.

We have placed three contact forms in three different locations on the website, each with unique input fields. These forms are designed to help the business understand their client's needs and intentions. One form is for clients who want to know more about the product, another is for clients who are interested in pricing information, and we will know who has explored the website in-depth or only viewed the main page.

Technology Stack 💻:

Languages: HTML5, CSS, JavaScript;

Frontend Frameworks: React.js, Next.js;

CSS Pre-Processor: SASS;

Animation: Framer-Motion, AOS;

Project Highlights ✨:

👨‍💻 Who are you? What business do you offer?

When browsing a company's website, as a user, you may have numerous questions. However, there is one particular question that is especially crucial and its answer should be presented in a separate section.

The answer can lead to whether the company is the right fit for you or whether you should continue looking elsewhere it is as important as that.

About Section
About Section

🛠 Let Me Know More About How Your Business Works.

The process is a crucial part of any business. It must be fully described to clients to ensure clarity before proceeding with work.

How it works? Section
How it works? Section

👑 What Makes You Better?

We needed to showcase what sets this business apart as the top choice.

Why Us? Section
Why Us? Section

📞 How Can I Reach You?

To fulfill our business needs, we needed three contact forms -literally needed three of them-, each serving a distinct purpose. One was used for collecting data and generating statistics for the business "in the Back-End", while another was designed for product inquiries. The last form was used to obtain quotations for the product.

A Start-up Pop-up Form
A Start-up Pop-up Form
Contact Form Section
Contact Form Section

🌍 Let's Touch The Planets.

Our design was inspired by the business idea that represents products as planets.

Pricing Plans Section
Pricing Plans Section

Do you think that's it? Just take a look below!

Pricing Plans Section Animations

🎴 Last Touch, Animation on Scroll.

I'm sure you'll love the animation on the scroll and how it reveals the website!

Animation on Scroll!

Project Process 🎯:

Why? The most important question to be asked. The answer will define the business needs and goals.

Planning. After defining the business needs and goals, we started planning on how to achieve them. Following our discussion with the owner, we defined what we would build within a specific time frame and created sketches to ensure that we would meet our client's needs and goals.

Project Impact ⛳:

The website is still under development and its impact on the company's business is yet to be seen. However, we have met all of the client's requirements and are very close to launching it. Stay tuned for updates!

Experience it Yourself 🍕:

Can't wait to try it yourself, right? I know I know, Go ahead and live the complete experience by exploring this amazing website, and don't forget to touch the planets 🌍.

Thank you for taking the time to review my project. Impressed? Please feel free to reach out. I look forward to hearing from you.

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