Habitica’s astonishing way to help with ADHD

Ali Qureshi


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Managing ADHD symptoms can be a challenge, fortunately for us, we live in a modern age, where we have amazing tools right at our fingertips. Today I’ll share with you how one of the apps, Habitica has helped me. It offers a unique approach to staying on track. This app turns productivity into a game, allowing users to earn rewards for completing tasks and forming healthy habits. I also shared my initial impressions a few weeks back, link to that here.

What is Habitica?

Habitica is a productivity app that turns your daily tasks and habits into a game. Users create a customizable avatar and earn points and rewards for completing tasks and forming healthy habits. The app also includes social features, allowing users to join groups and compete with friends to stay motivated. Habitica has the potential to be a very helpful tool for people with ADHD, especially those that struggle with organization and motivation.

How can Habitica help manage ADHD symptoms?

Habitica can help manage ADHD symptoms by providing structure, organization, and motivation in a fun and engaging way. The app also allows users to break down tasks into smaller, more manageable steps, which can be especially helpful for individuals with ADHD who struggle with executive functioning. The game-like features of Habitica provide a sense of accomplishment and reward when a task is completed on time, which can really boost motivation and help individuals stay on track with their goals. Additionally, the social aspect of the app can provide a supportive community for individuals with ADHD who may feel isolated or misunderstood, more on the social aspect later.

Creating tasks and habits that work for you.

One of the key features of Habitica is the ability to create customized tasks and habits that work for you and your specific needs. This can include breaking down larger tasks into smaller steps, setting reminders for important deadlines, and creating daily habits to help establish a routine. It’s important to experiment with different types of tasks and habits to find what works best for you and your ADHD symptoms. Additionally, regularly reviewing and adjusting your tasks and habits can help ensure that they remain effective and relevant to your goals.
Habitica also allows you to create custom rewards which I personally find very useful. Let’s say you create a custom reward “A pint of beer” and since it’s customizable you set the price at 15 gold coins (you earn gold coins along with other rewards when you finish a task on time). Now since it costs 15 gold coins, you will have to first earn those by finishing tasks or making habits, and then purchase the reward. Granted, for Habitica to work as intended it is very important that you use it honestly. And the beer thing was just an example, the options are endless!

Staying motivated and accountable with Habitica’s community features.

In addition to its task and habit-tracking features, Habitica also offers a strong community aspect that can help users stay motivated and accountable. Users can join groups and guilds related to their interests or goals, connect with other users for support and encouragement, and even participate in challenges and quests with other Habitica members. This sense of community can be constructive for individuals with ADHD who may struggle with staying motivated and on track with their goals. LINK TO THE ADHDer’s GUILD.

How much it has helped me?

Habitica’s simple rewarding system for completing tasks on time has been a game changer for me. Habitica has, single-handedly, given my life organization and structure, two things that it has lacked for the longest time. As someone with ADHD, there are two main things I have always struggled very much with; a structured routine and moment-to-moment distractions. Habitica has helped me very much with the former but not so much with the latter.
The way Habitica works, it can help you get and stay organized and boost your motivation to complete tasks, but it will not be able to keep you focused while you’re doing the tasks themselves. Fortunately, as I mentioned at the start, we live in amazing times and have so many astounding tools and applications at our disposal. I think to get the most out of Habitica, it’s a good idea to use it along with another application that will help you stay focused while you’re during the tasks, something that will help you lower your distractibility and help you focus on the task at hand. Personally, I use Forest, which I’ve been using for the last few years and have personally found to be very effective.
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Posted Jun 19, 2023

Looking for a fun and effective way to manage your ADHD symptoms? Habitica might be just what you need! Discover how it can help you stay on track.






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Ali Qureshi

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